北京迪阳公司 软件版本:41 0年2月 By Val nDAChannel As Byte)As Boolean Deli Function WriteDeviceDA(hDevice: Integer nDAData: Word nDAChannel: Byte ) Boolean StdCall: External 'U18 Name 'WriteDeviceDA DeviceDA Devicel132 [ Return Boolean Value DADatall[167 dACHa 功能:输出DA数据 参数 dEvice设备对象句柄,它应由 reate Device创建。 nDAData12位DA原始数据,取值范围为[0,4095]。 nDAChannel da通道号 返回值:若成功,返回TRUE,否则返回 FALSE。 相关函数: Create Device ReleaseDevice 第六节、计数器操作函数原型说明 初始化8253计数器( nitialize the device's8253 counter) 函数原型 Visual c++& c++Builder. BOOL Init Dev Counter(HANDLE hDevice PU18 PARA COUNTER CTRL pCntrCtrlPara LONG Counter value int Counter Channel) isual basic Declare Function Init Dev Counter LibU18"(By Val hDevice As Long pCntr CtrlPara As U18 PARA COUNTER CTRL, By Val Counter Value As Long, By Val Counter Channel As Long) As Boolean Delph Function InitDevCounter(hDevice: Integer; pCntr CtrlPara: PU18 PARA COUNTER CTRL, Counter Value: LongInt Counter Channel: Longlnt ) Boolean; StdCall: External 'Ul8 Name InitDey Counter Labview nitDevCounter [132 Return Boolean Value CounterValue[1321 CounterChannellr32 功能:负责初始化8253各通道的工作模式、计数方式等。 参数: dEvice设备对象句柄,它应由 CreateDevice创建北京迪阳公司 软件版本:4.1 发行时间:2000 年 2 月 29 ByVal nDAChannel As Byte) As Boolean Delphi: Function WriteDeviceDA (hDevice : Integer; nDAData: Word; nDAChannel: Byte ):Boolean; StdCall; External 'U18' Name ' WriteDeviceDA '; LabView: nDAChannel Return Boolean Value nDAData hDevice WriteDeviceDA 功能:输出 DA 数据 参数: hDevice设备对象句柄,它应由CreateDevice创建。 nDAData 12 位 DA 原始数据,取值范围为[0, 4095]。 nDAChannel DA 通道号。 返回值:若成功,返回 TRUE,否则返回 FALSE。 相关函数: CreateDevice ReleaseDevice 第六节、计数器操作函数原型说明 初始化 8253 计数器(Initialize the device’s 8253 counter) 函数原型: Visual C++ & C++Builder: BOOL InitDevCounter (HANDLE hDevice, PU18_PARA_COUNTER_CTRL pCntrCtrlPara, LONG CounterValue, int CounterChannel) ; Visual Basic: Declare Function InitDevCounter Lib "U18" (ByVal hDevice As Long, _ pCntrCtrlPara As U18_PARA_COUNTER_CTRL,_ ByVal CounterValue As Long,_ ByVal CounterChannel As Long) As Boolean Delphi: Function InitDevCounter (hDevice : Integer; pCntrCtrlPara: PU18_PARA_COUNTER_CTRL, CounterValue : LongInt; CounterChannel : LongInt):Boolean; StdCall; External 'U18' Name ' InitDevCounter '; LabView: pCntrCtrlPara Return Boolean Value CounterChannel CounterValue hDevice InitDevCounter 功能:负责初始化 8253 各通道的工作模式、计数方式等。 参数: hDevice设备对象句柄,它应由CreateDevice创建