联想: make a fuss of/over:“对…大惊小怪,对过于关心” e.g. a.Don't make a big fuss over one low test grade 别因为一次没考好就大惊小怪。 b.No one has ever made a fuss of me on my birthday. 从来没有人在我过生日时表现出特别的关心。 联想: make a fuss of/over: “对······大惊小怪,对······过于关心” e.g. a. Don’t make a big fuss over one low test grade. 别因为一次没考好就大惊小怪。 b. No one has ever made a fuss of me on my birthday. 从来没有人在我过生日时表现出特别的关心
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