4054 Commmunications of the American Ceramic Society VoL. 90. No. 12 have significant implications for the long term use of such ma- aslan, " Oxidation Mechanisms and Kinetics of ID-SiCl an extremely wide temperature range (i.e, 300-1200.C C/SiC Composite-Materials, 2: Modeling, J. An. Ceram. Soc., 77[2] 467-80 A. J. Eckel, J. D. Cawley, and T. A. Parthasarathy, "Oxidation-Kinetics of a Continuous Carbon Phase in a Non-Reactive Matrix. " J. Anm Ceram Soc., 78[ Acknowledgments 972-80(1995) Morscher and J. D. Cawley The authors would thank David Larsen. Corn 豇DT K. P ur. Ceran.Soc2214-15277-87(2002) (Corming. NY), for provision of the Nicalon"/CAS Type Il co ilicate/Nicalon by High-Temperature Pre- Treatment,J.Mater. Sci. Lett., 14 [171 1223-6(190 References Cross-Ply Nicalon/CAS-Il omposite at Room and Elevated Temperature, Com- M. van Roode, J. Price, J. Kimmel, N. Miriyala. D. Leroux, A. Fahme, and Immary of Field E. Westwood. J D H Evaluations. "J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power, 129 [1] 21-30(2007). "Oxidation Protection for Carbon Fibre Composites. "J Mater. Sci. 31(6]1389- P. Barnard, M. B. Henderson, and N. Rhodes. "" CMC Integration and Dem- J. Blissett. P. A. Smith. and J. A. Yeomans. "Flexural mechanical Properties of Non-Oxide CMCs for Ap- einforced Calcium Aluminosilicate Composites, "J. Mater. Sci., 33[16]4181 plication in Engines and Nuclear Reactors: An Overview. "Camp. Sci. Tech, 64[2] 90(1998) Kastntseas P.A. Smith, and J. A. Yeomans. "Damage Characterisation o Ch. Zuber and B. Heidenreich. ""Development of a Net Shape Manufacturing hermally Shocked Cross-Ply Ceramic Composite Laminates, "J. Mater. Sci, ngle piece stofftech, 37[]301-8(2006) K.P. Plucknett, R. L. Cain, and M. H. Lewis. ""Interface Degradat Friction Systems,"a.denreich, and R Renz. "C/C-SiC Composites for Advanced Nicalon During Elevated Temperature Ageing": pp. 421-6 in Ceramic Composites: Advanced High-Te Structural materials Materials I 6T. M. Besmann D. P Stinton. R. A. Lowden and K. J. Probst."Near-Net Society Symposium Proceedings Vol. 365, Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, Shape Fabrication by Forced-Flow Thermal Gradient CVI. "Ind. Cera., 20 [2] PA 199 K.P. Plucknett. H -T. Lin. D. N. Braski, and P. F. Becher. ""Environmental andell. D. H. Grande, and J. Jacobs, " Tensile Behavior of osite-Materials at Elevated Temperatures. "J. Eng. Gas Turbines roceedings of the 10th international Conference on Composite Materials, VoL. II Power,109267-73(1987) Characterist ion and Ceramic Matrix Composites. Woodhead Publishing Limited, dation Mechanisms in Nicalon/C/SiC Composites. "J. Am. Ceran. Soc. 77[10] of a Sic Fibre-Reinforced Magnesiu silicate Glass -Ceramic matrix omposite. " J Mater. Sci. 27 [11]3075-81(1992). asmin and P. Bowen, ""Fracture Behaviour of Cross-Ply Nicalon/ CAS-ll Glass-Ceramic Matrix Composite Laminate at Room and Elevated Tempera- 30A. M. Daniel. A. Martin Meizoso. K. P. Plucknett and D N. Braski"In- Composites,A33间9 M. Boussuge, ""Oxidizing Aging Eflects on SiC-SiC mposite, Ceram. Eng. Sci. Proc., 17[4]280-7(1996 M. w. Pharaoh. A. M. Daniel and M. H. Lewis. Stability of Interfaces in mal-Expansion Calcium Aluminosilicate Matrix Nicalon SiC Fiber Composites, "J. Mater. Sci. Composites. " J. Mater. Sci., 25 [11]4836-46(1990). Lo J-G. Duh. a k ell, s. Sutherland, A.M. Daniel R L. Cain, G West, D: M R ring and Microwave Dielectric Properties of Anorthite-Based Glass-Ceramics, "J. Am. Ceran.Soe,8592230-502002) ced Glass-ceramic Matrix Composite,. Microscop), 1713)251-63 terizat ion o Nicaon" and H - anical on (Ceramic Fibers y tonic sorbe mi. E.Heredia,J.MeNt邮WAEm“mxm1Am入图Rmm Mechanical Behavior of a Si-C-o Fiber-Reinforced Magnesium Aluminosili- S.Teoh,47435967(199 35A.G. Evans, M.Y. He, and J W. Hutchinson, "Ir bonding and Fiber ”J.Am. Ceran.Soe.,792375-8(199 Cracking in Brittle Matrix Composites. "J.Am Soc,72Ⅱl22300-3 IeP. F. Becher, H.-T. Lin, and K. L. More, "Lifetime-Applied Stress Response Betrand. C. Droillard. R. Pailler, X. Bourrat, and R. Naslain, " TEM ial Layer: Effects of Temperature(300 to 1150.C). " J. Am. Ceram Soc., 81[71 tructure of (PyC/ SiCh Multilayered Interphases in SiC/SiC Composites, "J. Eur. 1919-25(1998) Ceran. Soc., 20 [11-13(2000)have significant implications for the long term use of such ma￾terials. It also highlights the challenging requirement for CMC coatings that would need to exhibit protective behavior across an extremely wide temperature range (i.e., 3001–12001C). Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank David Larsen, Corning Incorporated (Corning, NY), for provision of the Nicalont/CAS Type II composite material. References 1 M. van Roode, J. Price, J. Kimmel, N. Miriyala, D. Leroux, A. Fahme, and K. Smith, ‘‘Ceramic Matrix Composite Combustor Liners: A Summary of Field Evaluations,’’ J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power, 129 [1] 21–30 (2007). 2 P. Barnard, M. B. Henderson, and N. 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