252 Mol Genet Genomics(2015)290:239-255 0.8 6 60 05 —BrMA0s002 04 BrMADS005 BrMADS025 51d 一8MADs023 S 89 01h 1431 —BMAO5059 E/MADS034 5 -BrMADS044 -BrMADS074 MADS035 0 5 35 60 50 —BrMA05020 2 -BrMAOS017 —BrMADS08N -8r05015 31m 1n 310 18 25 BrMADS020 BMADS030 0.5 0 0 gg SS Fig.9 MADS-box genes lying on duplicated segments of Chinese cabbage genome and their expression pattern.Expression patterns of dupli- cated genes have been compared in this figure.X-axis represents the abiotic stresses.Y-axis represents the raw expression value breeding of Chinese cabbage.Based on sequence simi- Arabidopsis orthologs.In this study.we have presented a larities and the complete genome sequence,attempts have number of Chinese cabbage MADS-box gene phylogenetic been made to predict the function of MADS-box genes in relationships with Arabidopsis genes,a detailed analysis diverse species (Wang et al.2011).The completion of the regarding the MADS-box genes that were collected among B.rapa genome sequence also enabled us to predict a func- 22 species and the expression of BrMADS genes. tion for the BrMADS genes,based on results of phyloge- First,we identified 160 genes as Chinese cabbage netic analyses and their high sequence similarity with their MADS-box family genes.These genes were classified into Springer252 Mol Genet Genomics (2015) 290:239–255 1 3 breeding of Chinese cabbage. Based on sequence simi￾larities and the complete genome sequence, attempts have been made to predict the function of MADS-box genes in diverse species (Wang et al. 2011). The completion of the B. rapa genome sequence also enabled us to predict a func￾tion for the BrMADS genes, based on results of phyloge￾netic analyses and their high sequence similarity with their Arabidopsis orthologs. In this study, we have presented a number of Chinese cabbage MADS-box gene phylogenetic relationships with Arabidopsis genes, a detailed analysis regarding the MADS-box genes that were collected among 22 species and the expression of BrMADS genes. First, we identified 160 genes as Chinese cabbage MADS-box family genes. These genes were classified into Fig. 9 MADS-box genes lying on duplicated segments of Chinese cabbage genome and their expression pattern. Expression patterns of dupli￾cated genes have been compared in this figure. X-axis represents the abiotic stresses. Y-axis represents the raw expression value
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