ostructure of mesophase pitch-based carbon fiber and its control Lc(002) 湾 ain IN.3nn Iig. 4. TEM lattice fringe image of the transverse section in F-C. mixed mesophase pitch (mNP/NPI(7/3) based HR-SEM photographs of F-C clearly showed shapes graphitized fiber with the random texture(F-C) of the domains and their constituent micro-domains In the OM photograph In HR-SEM photographs of small magnification circular cross-sectional shapes, Y-shaped isochro- loop shaped domains appeared almost exclusively in matic regions(blues or yellows in Fig. 1(c)were the whole transverse area, distributed in a very homo bviously obscrvcd, ruling out the radial or onion geneous manner. The thickness and length of domains orientation. No cracks were observed in F-C. SEM appeared below and above 100 nm, respectively, as photographs of the fiber confirmed that there was no illustrated by HR-seM photographs at large orientation of domains in all areas of the F-C. magnifications.Microstructure’of mesophase pitch-based carbon fiber and its control 949 Fig. 4. TEM lattice fringe image of the transverse section in F-C. mixed mesophase pitch (mNP/NPI(7/3)) based graphitized fiber with the random texture (F-C). In the OM photograph, fibers exhibited perfect circular cross-sectional shapes. Y-shaped isochro￾matic regions (blues or yellows in Fig. l(c)) were obviously observed, ruling out the radial or onion orientation. No cracks were observed in F-C. SEM photographs of the fiber confirmed that there was no orientation of domains in all areas of the fiber F-C. HR-SEM photographs of F-C clearly showed shapes of the domains and their constituent micro-domains. In HR-SEM photographs of small magnification, loop shaped domains appeared almost exclusively in the whole transverse area, distributed in a very homo￾geneous manner. The thickness and length of domains appeared below and above 100 nm, respectively, as illustrated by HR-SEM photographs at large magnifications
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