Carbohydrates Carbohydrates The chemical intermediaries by which carbon atoms from CO2 are incorporated into growing organisms Means by which solar energy is stored and used to support life The biological starting point Metabolism is intimately interconnected with the metabolism of all other biomolecules The catabolism of glucose is called the backbone of all metabolic pathways Starch H20 CH2OH HSCoA c02 HO Citric Glycolysis 2 acid →2c02 HO- H3C SCoA cycle OH OH a-Glucose Pyruvate Acetyl CoA LeamingAll Pighis Peservd. Carbohydrates ▪ The chemical intermediaries by which carbon atoms from CO2 are incorporated into growing organisms ▪ Means by which solar energy is stored and used to support life ▪ The biological starting point ▪ Metabolism is intimately interconnected with the metabolism of all other biomolecules ▪ The catabolism of glucose is called the backbone of all metabolic pathways Carbohydrates
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