安织业术学房 011011010 522用3 DArk对显卡性能进行测试 1.启动3 MArk06,在主界面中单击“ change.”按钮,弹出“ Benchmark Settings”对话框,如图5-26所示 ● Benchmark settings Benchmark settings BDMARKOE Resolution Rendering Options 1280x1024 Force full precision Disable Hw shadow mapping Anti-Aliasing None n Disable post-processing Force software vertex shaders Anti-Aliasing Quality Color mipmaps Texture Filtering Force software FP filtering Anisotropic Level Repeat 8 Loop c Run each test once vS Proffile C Repeat each test cimes Loop all selected tests PS Profile ixed framerate 30彐fps If the tests are repeated the result will be calculated based on the average of all the repeated tests Defaults Cancel 任务二系统性能的测试与优化 省级精品课程《计算机组装与维护》课程组(资源下载:htp:/∧www.ahgmedu.cn/jpkc/cao/kdkj.asp)清华学出版社安徽工贸职业技术学院 Anhui Vocational & Technical College of Industry & Trade 省级精品课程《计算机组装与维护》课程组(资源下载: http://www.ahgmedu.cn/jpkc/cao/kckj.asp) 清华大学出版社 任务二 系统性能的测试与优化 5.2.2 用3DMark对显卡性能进行测试 1. 启动3DMark 06,在主界面中单击“change…”按钮,弹出“Benchmark Settings”对话框,如图5-2-6所示
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