Unit2 单元检测 听力材料 I.听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。每个句子读两遍。 1.How often do you go to the cinema? 2.Can I borrow your umbrella? 3.Hello!May I speak to Jane,please? 4.Let's give some flowers to Mother for her birthday. 5.Thank you for showing me around the school. Ⅱ.听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。 1.W:Do you think we should paint our bedroom yellow or light blue? M:Why not pink? 2.M:When are you leaving for your Mid-Autumn night in Hawaii? W:It's out of the question.I've got a new job.I won't be free until my training is over. 3.M:Can I help you,Madam? W:Yes,I want to report that a thief broke into my house last night when my husband and I were admiring the moon in the garden. 4.M:It only takes two hours to get to New York,but you'll have a six-hour layover between flights. W:Oh,that's good.I don't mind having the time in New York.I still have a few things to shop for. 5.M:Let'stry to get two seats near the stage. W:Listen,we'll be lucky enough if we can get any ticket. Ⅱ.听对话,选择正确答案。对话读两遍。 B:What's for dinner tonight,Mom? W:What would you like,John? B:Fish,mooncakes and chips would be nice W:What did you have for lunch at school? B:Pizza and chips. W:Well,how about a nice healthy salad then? B:Good.Well,can I help you? W:Yes,you can set the table.Set it for three.Your father will be home at any minute. B:Should I bring spoons and bowls out? W:No.We won't have a starter,so just bring out plates and knives and forks.We'll have fruit for pudding and mooncakes,so bring out cups and saucers(),too.Your father will want a cup of tea when he comes back. B:I want to invite Mark for tea on Saturday.Can he come? W:Yes,of course,as long as it's OK with his mother. Ⅳ.听短文,完成表格。短文读两遍。 In France,lunch is an important meal of the day.Students can get lunch at school or go home for lunch.Lunch is one to two hours long.Teachers always tell the students to take time to taste the food and enjoy their meals.Students have to pay for the cafeteria lunch.They have to pay for half,and the school pays for the other half. Usually,the cafeteria offers vegetables,salad,meat,fish,eggs,bread,noodles,rice,soup,fruit and ice-cream for lunch. Vegetables,fish and eggs are offered every day.And each student can have five dishesUnit 2 单元检测 听力材料 Ⅰ. 听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。每个句子读两遍。 1. How often do you go to the cinema? 2. Can I borrow your umbrella? 3. Hello! May I speak to Jane,please? 4. Let’s give some flowers to Mother for her birthday. 5. Thank you for showing me around the school. Ⅱ. 听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。 1. W: Do you think we should paint our bedroom yellow or light blue? M: Why not pink? 2. M: When are you leaving for your Mid-Autumn night in Hawaii? W: It’s out of the question. I’ve got a new job. I won’t be free until my training is over. 3. M: Can I help you,Madam? W: Yes,I want to report that a thief broke into my house last night when my husband and I were admiring the moon in the garden. 4. M: It only takes two hours to get to New York,but you’ll have a six-hour layover between flights. W: Oh,that’s good. I don’t mind having the time in New York. I still have a few things to shop for. 5. M: Let’s try to get two seats near the stage. W: Listen,we’ll be lucky enough if we can get any ticket. Ⅲ. 听对话,选择正确答案。 对话读两遍。 B: What’s for dinner tonight,Mom? W: What would you like,John? B: Fish,mooncakes and chips would be nice. W: What did you have for lunch at school? B: Pizza and chips. W: Well,how about a nice healthy salad then? B: Good. Well,can I help you? W: Yes,you can set the table. Set it for three. Your father will be home at any minute. B: Should I bring spoons and bowls out? W: No. We won’t have a starter,so just bring out plates and knives and forks. We’ll have fruit for pudding and mooncakes,so bring out cups and saucers(茶碟),too.Your father will want a cup of tea when he comes back. B: I want to invite Mark for tea on Saturday. Can he come? W: Yes,of course,as long as it’s OK with his mother. Ⅳ. 听短文,完成表格。短文读两遍。 In France,lunch is an important meal of the day. Students can get lunch at school or go home for lunch. Lunch is one to two hours long. Teachers always tell the students to take time to taste the food and enjoy their meals. Students have to pay for the cafeteria lunch. They have to pay for half,and the school pays for the other half. Usually,the cafeteria offers vegetables,salad,meat,fish,eggs,bread,noodles,rice,soup,fruit and ice-cream for lunch. Vegetables,fish and eggs are offered every day. And each student can have five dishes
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