136 A EA PAPERS AND PROCEEDINGS MAY/98 So I have come to the end of my exam Lucas, Robert E,Jr, ""Models of Business with the conclusions you might have guessed Cycles, "paper prepared for the Yrjo at the outset: that when Lucas changed the Jahnsson Lectures, Helsinki, Finland answers given by Keynes, he was most- mimeo. March 1986 ly turning better answers into worse ones Prescott, Edward,"Should Control Theory be that modern Keynesian economics, though Used for Economic Stabilization? "in Karl far from flawless. has a better claim to Brunner and Alan Meltzer, eds, Optimal being“ scientific” than does new classical Policies, Control Theory, and Technological Exports, VoL. 7, Carnegie-Rochester Con ferences on Public Policy, Journal of Monetary Economics, Suppl. 1977, 13-38 REFERENCES Theory Ahead of Business Cycle Measurement, "Federal Reserve Bank of Friedman, Milton, "The Role of Monetary Pol- Minneapolis Research Department StafT icy, "American Economic Review, March Report 102, February 1986 1968,78,1-17 Sargent, Thomas J,"Beyond Demand an Keynes, J. M, The General Theory of Employ Supply Curves in Macroeconomics, ment, Interest, and Money, London: Har- American Economic re court, Brace and World, 1936 May1982,72,382-89