许多其他绿色核算方法 Many other possible approaches to Green Accounting 按照绿色GDP单项指数调整GDP Adjust GDP to a Green GDP single index 与GDP挂钩但不调整GDP Link to GDP but not adjust GDP 基于实物或货币标准的单独计算,作为国民经济核算体制内部的卫星 核算体制 Separate calculation based on physical or monetary measure as system of satellite accounts within System of National Accounts 。 现有经济和可持续经济差距的理论计算 Theoretical calculation of gap between current economy and sustainable economy 作为替代标准的可持续发展新指标,不与GDP挂钩 New sustainable development indicators as an alterna measure not connected to GDP • 按照绿色GDP单项指数调整GDP Adjust GDP to a Green GDP single index • 与GDP挂钩但不调整GDP Link to GDP but not adjust GDP • 基于实物或货币标准的单独计算,作为国民经济核算体制内部的卫星 核算体制 Separate calculation based on physical or monetary measure as system of satellite accounts within System of National Accounts • 现有经济和可持续经济差距的理论计算 Theoretical calculation of gap between current economy and sustainable economy • 作为替代标准的可持续发展新指标,不与GDP挂钩 New sustainable development indicators as an alternative measure not connected to GDP 许多其他绿色核算方法 Many other possible approaches to Green Accounting
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