nt 2 您所在位置:Unit2 Study Online/ Write and Produce/ practical writing Sample one Monday, March 15 Dear Professor Martin I enjoy your class very much. But Im very sorry that I had to miss your class last Thursday. Unfortunately my roommate became ill and I had to take him to the hospital. Please let me know what I can do to make up the class. I know you prefer us to let you know in advance when we will be absent, but there was no time to do so. I hope you'll accept my sIncere apology Your student Lin Shantao O PASSAGE A HOME PASSAGE BSample One Monday, March 15 Dear Professor Martin, I enjoy your class very much. But I’m very sorry that I had to miss your class last Thursday. Unfortunately my roommate became ill and I had to take him to the hospital. Please let me know what I can do to make up the class. I know you prefer us to let you know in advance when we will be absent, but there was no time to do so. I hope you’ll accept my Your student, Lin Shantao 您所在位置: Unit 2 Study Online / Write and Produce/practical writing sincere apology
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