2019秋人教新目标九年级英语全册同步练习题:Unt1 Section a基础闯关练 Unit I How can we become good learners Section a[见基础闯关练2] 课时要点闯关 Ⅰ根据句意及汉语提示完成单词 1. She thinks grammar (init )is boring. She never learns it 2. Practice makes perfect. It is one of the secrets (*E )of becoming a successful learner 3. Could you have an expression (Rit )about the question? 4. I like Newton(牛顿 very much, and i decide to learn_ physics(物理 )well from now on 5. Andy can't find his science textbook (UA). He is worried because he has cience class this afternoon Ⅱl根据句意及首字母提示完成单词 1. I like hemistry because I can be in the lab 2. Mr Miller asked me to make as entence with these words 3. In order to improve her p ronunciation Alice listens to English news every moning 4. Just be a little p atient sir It will take me some time to repair your computer 5. If you are shy, you can smile before you start a c onversation with others Ⅲ用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空 again and again; word by word; take notes: look up repeat out My sister likes read ing, word by word, so she is a very slow read.er 2. You don't have to look up every new word in the dictionary while read in 3. Could you hear me clea-rly? Please repeat out what I said just no 4. Our English teacher thinks taking notes is important when we learn English grammar. 5. I remember new words by writing them again and again2019 秋人教新目标九年级英语全册同步练习题:Unit 1 Section A 基础闯关练 1 / 3 Unit 1 How can we become good learners? Section A [见基础闯关练 2] Ⅰ.根据句意及汉语提示完成单词 1.She thinks __grammar__(语法)is boring.She never learns it. 2.Practice makes perfect.It is one of the __secrets__(秘密)of becoming a successf ul learner. 3.Could you have an __expression__(表达)about the question? 4.I like Newton(牛顿)very much,and I decide to learn __physics__(物理)well from now on. 5.Andy can't find his science __textbook__(课本).He is worried because he has science class this afternoon. Ⅱ.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词 1.I like c__hemistry__,because I can be in the lab.[来源:学*科*网] 2.Mr. Miller asked me to make a s__entence__ with these words. 3.In order to improve her p__ronunciation__,Alice listens to English news every morning. 4.Just be a little p__atient__,sir.It will take me some time to repair your computer. 5.If you are shy,you can smile before you start a c__onversation__ with others. Ⅲ.用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空 again and again;word by word; take notes;look up;repeat out 1.My sister likes reading __word__by__word__,so she is a very slow read er. 2.You don't have to __look__up__ every new word in the dictionary while reading. 3.Could you hear me clea rly?Please __repeat__out__ what I said just now. 4.Our English teacher thinks __taking__notes__ is important when we learn English grammar. 5.I remember new words by writing them __again__and__again__.
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