上海交通大学通识教育立项核心课程 课程名称:生物技术与人类课程编号:B913 姓名: 唐欢 班级: F1114301 学号:5111439009 专业: 德语 低碳社会的理想能源 唐欢 (上海交通大学外国语学院德语系5111439009) 摘要:可燃冰是天然气水合物的俗称,是公认的21世纪替代能源和清洁能源,开发利用潜力巨 大,我国已将其纳入科技重大项目973计划,并已成功获得了天然气水合物的岩心样品。本文简要 介绍了可燃冰的储量、分布和研究现状,重点介绍了可燃冰的开采方法以及开采过程中的难点问题。 最后对可燃冰的发展前景做了展望,认为发达国家实现工业规模开采天然气水合物在技术上是可行 的,但要实现商业开采则值得探讨。 关键词:可燃冰:清洁能源:天然气水合物 Ideal Resource for a Low-carbon Society Tang Huan (Department of German,School of Foreign Languages,Shanghai Jiaotong University,5111439009) Abstract:Flammable ice is commonly known as gas hydrates,which is regarded as an alternative and clean energy in the 21"century.With a huge potential for development and utilization,China has brought it into national key scientific and technological program (973 Program),and has successfully obtained a core sample of gas hydrate.This paper briefly introduces the reserves,distribution and development research status of flammable ice,with a focus on the mining and issues in mining,and final ly gives prospects on the development of flammable ice in the future. Key words:fl ammable ice;clean energy;gas hydrates1 上海交通大学通识教育立项核心课程 课程名称: 生物技术与人类 课程编号: BI913 姓名: 唐欢 班级: F1114301 学号: 5111439009 专业: 德语 低碳社会的理想能源 唐欢 (上海交通大学外国语学院 德语系 5111439009) 摘 要:可燃冰是天然气水合物的俗称,是公认的 21 世纪替代能源和清洁能源,开发利用潜力巨 大,我国已将其纳入科技重大项目 973 计划,并已成功获得了天然气水合物的岩心样品。本文简要 介绍了可燃冰的储量、分布和研究现状,重点介绍了可燃冰的开采方法以及开采过程中的难点问题。 最后对可燃冰的发展前景做了展望,认为发达国家实现工业规模开采天然气水合物在技术上是可行 的,但要实现商业开采则值得探讨。 关键词: 可燃冰;清洁能源;天然气水合物 Ideal Resource for a Low-carbon Society Tang Huan (Department of German, School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Jiaotong University, 5111439009) Abstract: Flammable ice is commonly known as gas hydrates, which is regarded as an alternative and clean energy in the 21 st century. With a huge potential for development and utilization, China has brought it into national key scientific and technological program (973 Program),and has successfully obtained a core sample of gas hydrate. This paper briefly introduces the reserves, distribution and development research status of flammable ice, with a focus on the mining and issues in mining,and finally gives prospects on the development of flammable ice in the future. Key words: flammable ice; clean energy; gas hydrates
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