Some functional groups of biomolecules H Hvdroxyl R-0-H Amino Ester (alcohol) Carbonyl R-C-H (aldehyde) H Amido R- Thioester R'日s-R 0 Carbonyl (ketone) Ether R-O-R形 Guanidino R Carboxyl R-C-OH 0 Anhydride 《two car- boxylie acids) Imidazole C-CH Methyl -H Mixed anhydride R-C-0-P-OH (carboxylic acid and phosphoric acid: OH also called acyl phosphate) Ethyl R -H Sulfhydryl R-S-H Disulfide R—9-S-R2 Phosphoanhydride R-O- H日 OH OH OH Phenyl R- CH Phosphoryl R-0- -OH HHSome functional groups of biomolecules
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