莲 制研爱价黄蜀大考 营销学原理 percent of the expected trend-adjusted sales.July is a below-average month for machine tool sales,with a seasonal index standing at 0.80.The company expects no erratic events. How many machine tools will the company expect to sell in July next year?(5 points) 3.Mrs.Zhang is going to buy a fully automatic washing machine.After searching several department stores for all the alternatives,she narrows down her choice set to four brands:Little Swan,Duckling,Daffodil,and Toshiba.Mrs. Zhang is primarily interested in five attributes of washing machine:price,post-sale service,wattage,durability,and appearance.The importance weights assigned by Mrs.Zhang to these attributes are30号,20号,20号,20号,and10号 respectively.The following table shows how she believes each brand rates on each attribute.(The number 10 represents the highest desirable score on certain attribute.In the case of price,a high score means a low cost,which makes the washing machine more desirable.) Please use "Expectancy Value Model"to find out which brand Mrs. Zhang is likely to favour?10 points) Brand Name Attribut es Price Service Wattage Durabil Appearan ity ce Little 7 9 9 7 Swan Duckling 9 P 9 Daffodil 9 6 8 7 5 Toshiba 2 6 9 10 10 第10页共13页营销学原理 percent of the expected trend- adjusted sales. July is a below-average month for machine tool sales, with a seasonal index standing at 0.80. The company expects no erratic events. How many machine tools will the company expect to sell in July next year? (5 points) 3. Mrs. Zhang is going to buy a fully automatic washing machine. After searching several department stores for all the alternatives, she narrows down her choice set to four brands: Little Swan, Duckling, Daffodil, and Toshiba. Mrs. Zhang is primarily interested in five attributes of washing machine: price, post-sale service, wattage, durability, and appearance. The importance weights assigned by Mrs. Zhang to these attributes are 30%, 20%, 20%, 20%, and 10% respectively. The following table shows how she believes each brand rates on each attribute. (The number 10 represents the highest desirable score on certain attribute. In the case of price, a high score means a low cost, which makes the washing machine more desirable.) Please use "Expectancy Value Model" to find out which brand Mrs. Zhang is likely to favour? ( 10 points) Brand Name Attribut es Price Service Wattage Durabil ity Appearan ce Little Swan 7 9 6 9 7 Duckling 4 9 7 8 9 Daffodil 9 6 8 7 5 Toshiba 2 6 9 10 10 第10页 共13页
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