Spatial Mixing (Decay of Correlation) marginal distribution at vertex v conditioning on weak spatial mixing(WSM)at rateδ(): o,T∈[g∂R:l呀-呀ITv≤δ(t) boundary conditions R 0 on infinite graphs: WSM uniqueness of infinite- volume Gibbs measure λ≤入c= dd a-a可> WSM of hardcore model on infinite(d+1)-regular treeSpatial Mixing (Decay of Correlation) R G v t weak spatial mixing (WSM) at rate δ( ): kµ v µ⌧ 8, ⌧ 2 [q] v kT V (t) @R : µ v : marginal distribution at vertex v conditioning on σ boundary conditions on infinite graphs: WSM uniqueness of infinitevolume Gibbs measure µ v c = dd (d1)(d+1) WSM of hardcore model on infinite (d+1)-regular tree ∂R