1.Purpose Find out the speed distribution and the equation of state. 2.Key points: Equipartition of energy 3.Content 3.1 Speed distribution of ideal gas: Density of state:speed distribution: 3.2 Equipartition of energy Derive the equipartition of energy 3.3 Equation of state of ideal gas Pressure of ideal gas: 3.4 Function of state Entropy,Partition function,Free energy 4.Teaching method Talk and discussion 5.Evaluation Assignment, Chapter 8 Basis of Quantum Statistics 1.Purposc Understand the difference between Classic gas and Quantum gas,Understand the Quantum statistics; 2.Key points Quantum state:Density of Quantum state 3.Content 3.1 Ouantum state of free particles: Energy level of Quantum particles 3.2 Occupation number of Bose gas: 3.3 Occupation number of Fermi gas 3.4 Classical limitation of Quantum gases7 1.Purpose Find out the speed distribution and the equation of state; 2.Key points: Equipartition of energy 3.Content 3.1 Speed distribution of ideal gas: Density of state; speed distribution; 3.2 Equipartition of energy; Derive the equipartition of energy; 3.3 Equation of state of ideal gas Pressure of ideal gas; 3.4 Function of state Entropy; Partition function; Free energy; 4.Teaching method Talk and discussion 5.Evaluation Assignment; Chapter 8 Basis of Quantum Statistics 1.Purpose Understand the difference between Classic gas and Quantum gas; Understand the Quantum statistics; 2.Key points: Quantum state; Density of Quantum state 3.Content 3.1 Quantum state of free particles: Energy level of Quantum particles; 3.2 Occupation number of Bose gas; 3.3 Occupation number of Fermi gas 3.4 Classical limitation of Quantum gases
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