I Mohism confucianism Students of Chinese thought are likely to think that Confucianism and daoism have been the two understanding indigenous philosophical systems in China This is true so far as the last 2000 years are concerned In ancient China, up to the beginning of the han Dynasty(206B. C. -220A. D,), the greatest schools were Confucianism and mohism they dominated the intellectual scene from the 5th-3rd century B C These 2 schools vigorously attacked each otherI. Mohism & Confucianism ◼ Students of Chinese thought are likely to think that Confucianism and Daoism have been the two understanding indigenous philosophical systems in China. ◼ This is true so far as the last 2000 years are concerned. ◼ In ancient China, up to the beginning of the Han Dynasty (206B.C.-220A.D.), the greatest schools were Confucianism and Mohism. They dominated the intellectual scene from the 5th –3rd century B.C. ◼ These 2 schools vigorously attacked each other
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