XII Preface to the First Edition than priority importanc e the th 正a reade are given. The ture up un til De 1977 es of the the recommendations of the Symbol Com 19712 am very gra teful to Pr Karl Dimroth th,Marburg who first sti nterest in sol effects in organ emistry.I am indebted to Urbana/Illinc is,D.Seebach,Zirich/Switzerland,J.Shorter,Hull/England,and nume for helpfuladvice and so due to the authors and publishers of copyrighted materials reproduced with their permission (cf.Figure and Table credits on page 495).For the careful translation and improvement of the English manuscript I thank Dr.Edeline Wentrup-Byrne,Marburg.Without the assistance and patience of my wife Maria.this book would not have been written. Marburg (Lahn),Summer 1978 Christian Reichardt References meder orghe Chemie.dto Verlag Chemie. en chimie organique (translation of the first-mentioned title into French,by I.Tkatchenko),Flamma 191 aslation of the first-mentioned title into Russian,by E.R Zakhsa).Izdatel'stvo Khimiya,Leningrad 1973. nm isud by The ymbols Commitee of the Royal Society Lo than priority, importance or completeness. This book, therefore, does not only have the character of a monograph but also to some extent that of a textbook. In order to help the reader in his use of the literature cited, complete titles of the review articles quoted are given. The literature up until December 1977 has been considered together with a few papers from 1978. The use of symbols follows the recommendations of the Symbols Committee of the Royal Society, London, 1971 [2]. I am very grateful to Professor Karl Dimroth, Marburg, who first stimulated my interest in solvent e¤ects in organic chemistry. I am indebted to Professors W. H. Pirkle, Urbana/Illinois, D. Seebach, Zu¨rich/Switzerland, J. Shorter, Hull/England, and numer￾ous other colleagues for helpful advice and information. Thanks are also due to the authors and publishers of copyrighted materials reproduced with their permission (cf. Figure and Table credits on page 495). For the careful translation and improvement of the English manuscript I thank Dr. Edeline Wentrup-Byrne, Marburg. Without the assistance and patience of my wife Maria, this book would not have been written. Marburg (Lahn), Summer 1978 Christian Reichardt References [1] C. Reichardt: Lo¨sungsmittele¤ekte in der organischen Chemie. 2nd edition. Verlag Chemie, Weinheim 1973; E¤ets de solvant en chimie organique (translation of the first-mentioned title into French, by I. Tkatchenko), Flammarion, Paris 1971; Rastvoriteli v organicheskoi khimii (translation of the first-mentioned title into Russian, by E. R. Zakhsa), Izdatel’stvo Khimiya, Leningrad 1973. [2] Quantities, Units, and Symbols, issued by The Symbols Committee of the Royal Society, Lon￾don, in 1971. XII Preface to the First Edition
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