294 Edgar Stach Force Design space Finite element cycle 20 Component approximation Refining components Virtual compon Fig.20.SKO method (Soft Kill Option).[9 HIGHTECH REPORT 1/2003,pp60- 63 6 Biological Models Radiolarians A number of self-generated,biological models based on the bubble cluster theory ex- ist.One of the best examples of this is the Radiolarian.Radiolarians are single-celled, marine organisms.These microscopic creatures extract silica from their environment to create a skeleton.Highly articulated geometric patterns define the usually spher- ically shaped structures.The resulting form resembles that of a dome. Fig.21.Computer generated spheri- Fig.22.Fossilized skeleton Radiolar- cal cluster skeleton based on the bub- ian [6] ble clusters theory (Figs.6-13)294 Edgar Stach Fig. 20. SKO method (Soft Kill Option). [9 HIGHTECH REPORT 1/2003, pp60- 63] 6 Biological Models Radiolarians A number of self-generated, biological models based on the bubble cluster theory ex￾ist. One of the best examples of this is the Radiolarian. Radiolarians are single-celled, marine organisms. These microscopic creatures extract silica from their environment to create a skeleton. Highly articulated geometric patterns define the usually spher￾ically shaped structures. The resulting form resembles that of a dome. Fig. 21. Computer generated spheri￾cal cluster skeleton based on the bub￾ble clusters theory (Figs. 6–13) Fig. 22. Fossilized skeleton Radiolar￾ian [6]
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