问题:你能就以下这句话,说清楚2,©,O和0 的区别吗? 不会比n3小 You might at first think that any matrix multiplication algorithm must take (n3) time,since the natural definition of matrix multiplication requires that many mul- 定 tiplications.You would be incorrect,however:we have a way to multiply matrices 比 in o(n3)time.In this section,we shall see Strassen's remarkable recursive algo- rithm for multiplying n x n matrices.It runs in (ng)time,which we shall show in Section 4.5.Since lg 7 lies between 2.80 and 2.81,Strassen's algorithm runs in 小 O(n281)time,which is asymptotically better than the simple SQUARE-MATRIX- MULTIPLY procedure.问题:你能就以下这句话,说清楚Ω,Θ,О和o 的区别吗? 不会比n 3小 一 定 比 n 3 小