记录、字段示例:( PubMed) 如,→·③团剑像守昌刍中说 →-③团备回·③目中! e NCBI A service of the National Library of Medicine NCBI PubMEd and the Natonal Institutes of Health Search PubMed fo Limits: published Limits Preview/Index K History Clipboard Details About Entrez Show20-「 Sort by Send to CBI Toolba Display Summary Display MEDLINE All:131 Revie All: 1R l: Tul K et al. Economic evaluation of an HIV.[PMID: 16224285] Entrez PubMed 厂1: Mansergh CDC const NLM ew/Noteworthy Publc health sTAT-MEDL工NE E-Utilities PMID:16528 DA-20051014 厂2: Moszymski F DcoM-20060314 PubMed Services 1078-4659( Print v工 PMID 工P 2005 NOV-Dec Batch Citation Matche 厂3: Russak SM Economic eva⊥uat⊥ on of an Hiv prevention intervent⊥ on for ser。pos⊥tive Protecting , PG 508-15 B OBJECTIVE:T。ase吕 s the cost- ettect1vene吕ao工 ntervention for PMID: 164 opositive injection drug n( INSPIRE) d to reduce risky sexual and needle-sharing behaviors in research Related Resources r4: TarwitesriE in four Us cities (2001-2003). METHODS: We collected data on progr ments nd participant costs. We used a mathemat ical model to estimate the number Cent Afr M ners of injection drug users expected to become infected with human immunodeficiency virus (Hiv (with and without intervention],cost of treatment for sex partners who became infected, and the effect o er Health 厂5: Whitmore s m uality-adjusted life expectancy. We determined the minimum effect that INSPIRE must have on condom use among participants tor che intervention to be cost-saving (intervention cost less than savings averted HIv infections) or cost-effect 厂6: Do TD. cher intervention cost was s870 per participant. It would be cost-saving if it ed to 53 percent reduction in the proportion of participants who had any记录、字段示例:(PubMed)
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