同濟大学 TONGJI UNIVERSITY In the First Period of Transition(1978-1996) By 1996,China had developed a tripod industrial structure:state, collective,and private(domestic and foreign)firms each produced about 1/3 of total output. Ownership composition of industrial output(percent of current-price output) 1978 1996 State-owned enterprises 77 33 Collective enterprises 23 36 (of which:TVEs) (28) Private and household 0 19 Foreign invested 0 12 (of which,foreign nationals invest) (of which,Hong Kong and Taiwan)3 In the First Period of Transition (1978-1996) In the First Period of Transition (1978-1996) In the First Period of Transition (1978-1996) In the First Period of Transition (1978-1996) • By 1996, China had developed a tripod industrial structure: state, By 1996, China had developed a tripod industrial structure: state, By 1996, China had developed a tripod industrial structure: state, By 1996, China had developed a tripod industrial structure: state, collective, and private (domestic and foreign) firms each produced about collective, and private (domestic and foreign) firms each produced about collective, and private (domestic and foreign) firms each produced about collective, and private (domestic and foreign) firms each produced about 1/3 of total output. 1/3 of total output. 1/3 of total output. 1/3 of total output