,o The measurement for minimizing the geometry measure of can be obtained through the method conducted by B. Dakic(Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 190502), write as ∏=(/±eo) .o Wheree is the normalized eigenvector with the largest eigenvalue of K=对+TrT and the state is expressed as P=(181+)x081+)y1801+)T780) .o It is clear that generally, the measurement for minimizing condition entropy is not the one minimizing the geometry distance of discord, unless it satisfying 0 +1 2≤1 .o but the state is not necessary the Bell-diagonal state❖ The measurement for minimizing the geometry measure of can be obtained through the method conducted by B.Dakic(Phys.Rev.Lett.105.190502),write as: ❖ Where is the normalized eigenvector with the largest eigenvalue of ,and the state is expressed as: ❖ It is clear that ,generally,the measurement for minimizing condition entropy is not the one minimizing the geometry distance of discord ,unless it satisfying: ❖ but the state is not necessarily the Bell-diagonal state. ( ) 1 2 A = I e e