Laboratory Studies Blood chemistry o Obtaining an accurate measure of the patients ction before deciding on therapy for gout is important Patients with gout are at an increased risk of developing labe 少 Abnormal liver tests need to be considered whe n therapy is selected CBC count: The count may be elevated in patie nts during the acute gouty attack, particularly if it is polyarticular Lipids: Hypertriglyceridemia and low high-density lipo proteins are associated with gout Urinalysis: Patients with gout are at an increased ris k of renal stones, therefore, these patients may have a history of hemat 16 浙医二院16 浙医二院 Laboratory Studies Blood chemistry Obtaining an accurate measure of the patient's renal fun ction before deciding on therapy for gout is important.. Patients with gout are at an increased risk of developing diabetes mellitus. Abnormal liver function tests need to be considered whe n therapy is selected. CBC count: The WBC count may be elevated in patie nts during the acute gouty attack, particularly if it is polyarticular. Lipids: Hypertriglyceridemia and low high-density lipo proteins are associated with gout. Urinalysis: Patients with gout are at an increased ris k of renal stones; therefore, these patients may have a history of hematuria
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