Deirdre A. Devine et al 3. Cosseau C, Devine DA, Dullaghan E, Gardy JL, Chikatamarla A, 26. Zelante T, lannitti RG, Cunha C, De Luca A, Giovannini G, Gellatly S et al. The commensal Streptococcus salivarius K Pieraccini G, et al. Tryptophan catabolites from microbiota engage aryl hydrocarbon receptor and balance mucosal reacti lls and promotes host-microbe homeostasis. Infect Immun 2008 ity via interleukin-22. Immunity 2013; 39: 372-85 4163-75 27. Brestoff JR. Artis D. Commensal bacteria at the interface of 14. Santos Rocha C. Lakhdar o. Blottiere hM. Blugeon s host metabolism and the immune system. Nat Immunol 2013: Sokol h. bermudez. Humaran LG. et al. Anti-inflammator 14:676-84 es of dairy lactobacilli. Inflamm Bowel Dis 2012: 18: 28. Chang PV, Hao L, Offermanns S, Medzhitov R. The metabolite butyrate regulates intestinal macrophage fu 15. Bouladoux N. Hall JA. Grainger JR. dos Santos LM histone deacetylase inhibition. Proc Natl Acad Sci ll1:2247-52 Kann MG, Nagarajan V, et al. Regulatory role of suppres- 29. Bernardo D, Sanchez B, Al-Hassi HO, Mann ER, Urdaci MC, motifs from commensal DNA. Nature Immunol 2012: 5 623-34 Knight SC, et al. Microbiota/host crosstalk biomarkers: reg. 16. Hooper LV. OPINION Do symbiotic bacteria subvert host ulatory response of human intestinal dendritic cells exposed mmunity? Nat Rev Microbiol 2009: 7: 367-74 Lactobacillus extracellular encrypted peptide. PLoS One 2012: 7:e3 17. Hajishengalis G, Lamont RJ. Breaking bad: manipulation of 30. Kant R, de Vos WM, Palva A, Satokari R. Immunostimulatory 2014;44:328-38 CpG motifs in the genomes of gut bacteria and their role human health and disease. j med microbiol 20 14: 63: 293-308 18. Curtis MA. Zenobia C, Darveau RP The relationship of the 31. Kawashima T. Kosaka A, Yan H, Guo Z, Uchiyama R, oral microbiota to periodontal health and disease. Cell Host Fukui r. et al. Double-stranded rna of intestinal commensal Microbe 2011: 10: 302-6 19. Irie K, Novince CM, Darveau RP. Impact of the oral but not pathogenic bacteria triggers production of protective terferon-beta. Immunity 2013: 38: 1187-97 commensal fora on alveolar bone homeostasis. J Dent Res 32. Sampson TR, Saroj SD, Llewellyn AC, Tzeng Y-L, Weiss Ds 2014:93:801-6 A CRISPR/Cas system mediates bacterial innate immun wa Y, Mans JJ, Mao S, Lopez MO evasion and virulence. Nature 2013: 497: 254-7 Handfield M, et al. Gingival epithelial cell ptional 33. Kilian, M, Riley, DR, Jensen, A, Bruggeman, H, Tettelin H responses to commensal and opportunistic oral microbial Parallel evolution of Streptococcus pneumoniae and Streptococcus species. Infect Immun 2007: 75: 2540-7 mitis to pathogenic and mutualistic lifestyles. mBio, 2014: 5: 21. Kaci G. Lakhdari o. Dore J. Ehrlich SD. Renault P doi:10.1128/mBio.01490-14 Blottiere HM, et al. Inhibition of the NF-kappa B pathway in 34. Lee K-A, Kim S-H, Kim E-K. Ha EM, You h, Kim B, et al. human intestinal epithelial cells by commensal Streptococcus Bacterial-derived uracil as a modulator of mucosal immunity salivarius. Appl Environ Microbiol 2011: 77: 4681 nd gut-microbe homeostasis in Drosophila. Cell 2013: 153: 22. Kaci G. Goudercourt D. Dennin V Pot B. dore j. Ehrlich SD 797-81l et al. Anti-inflammatory properties of Streptococcus salivarius K, Sathirapongsasuti JF, Izard J, Segata N, Gevers D, a commensal bacterium of the oral cavity and digestive tract J, et al. Microbial co-occurrence relationships in th Appl Environ Microbiol 2014; 80: 928-34 microbiome. PLoS Comput Biol 2012; 8: el002606 23 Sliepen I, Van Damme J, Van Essche M, Loozen G, F, Badgley BD, Sadowsky MJ, Kaplan DH. Immune Quirynen M, Teughels w. Microbial interactions influence mediated shaping of microflora community composition de nflammatory host cell responses. J Dent Res 2009: 88: 1026-30 ends on barrier site. PLoS One 2014: 9: e84019 glielmetti s, Taverniti V, Minuzzo m, Arioli s, Stuknyte M 37. Belkaid Y, Naik S Compartmentalized and systemic control of Karp M, et al. Oral bacteria as potential probiotics for the tissue immunity by commensals. Nat Immunol 2013: 14: 646-53 pharyngeal mucosa. Appl Environ Microbiol 2010 38. Twetman S, Derawi B Keller M, Ekstrand K, Yucel-Lindberg T 25. Zhang G, Chen R, Rudney JD. Streptococcus cristal Stecksen-Blicks C Short-term effect of chewing gums containing the Fusobacterium nucleatun-induced epithelial probiotic Lactobacillus reuteri on the levels of inflammatory mediators in gingival crevicular fluid. Acta Odontol Scand 2009 response through the nuclear factor-kappa B pathway. J Periodontal Res 2011: 46: 558-67 67:19-24. CitationJournalofOralMicrobiology2015,7:26941- not for citation purpase)13. Cosseau C, Devine DA, Dullaghan E, Gardy JL, Chikatamarla A, Gellatly S, et al. The commensal Streptococcus salivarius K12 downregulates the innate immune responses of human epithelial cells and promotes hostmicrobe homeostasis. Infect Immun 2008; 76: 416375. 14. Santos Rocha C, Lakhdari O, Blottiere HM, Blugeon S, Sokol H, Bermu´dez-Humara´n LG, et al. Anti-inflammatory properties of dairy lactobacilli. Inflamm Bowel Dis 2012; 18: 65766. 15. Bouladoux N, Hall JA, Grainger JR, dos Santos LM, Kann MG, Nagarajan V, et al. Regulatory role of suppressive motifs from commensal DNA. Nature Immunol 2012; 5: 62334. 16. Hooper LV. OPINION Do symbiotic bacteria subvert host immunity? Nat Rev Microbiol 2009; 7: 36774. 17. Hajishengallis G, Lamont RJ. Breaking bad: manipulation of the host response by Porphyromonas gingivalis. Eur J Immunol 2014; 44: 32838. 18. Curtis MA, Zenobia C, Darveau RP. The relationship of the oral microbiotia to periodontal health and disease. Cell Host Microbe 2011; 10: 3026. 19. Irie K, Novince CM, Darveau RP. Impact of the oral commensal flora on alveolar bone homeostasis. J Dent Res 2014; 93: 8016. 20. Hasegawa Y, Mans JJ, Mao S, Lopez MC, Baker HV, Handfield M, et al. Gingival epithelial cell transcriptional responses to commensal and opportunistic oral microbial species. Infect Immun 2007; 75: 25407. 21. Kaci G, Lakhdari O, Dore J, Ehrlich SD, Renault P, Blottie`re HM, et al. Inhibition of the NF-kappa B pathway in human intestinal epithelial cells by commensal Streptococcus salivarius. Appl Environ Microbiol 2011; 77: 46814. 22. Kaci G, Goudercourt D, Dennin V, Pot B, Dore´ J, Ehrlich SD, et al. Anti-inflammatory properties of Streptococcus salivarius, a commensal bacterium of the oral cavity and digestive tract. Appl Environ Microbiol 2014; 80: 92834. 23. Sliepen I, Van Damme J, Van Essche M, Loozen G, Quirynen M, Teughels W. Microbial interactions influence inflammatory host cell responses. J Dent Res 2009; 88: 102630. 24. Guglielmetti S, Taverniti V, Minuzzo M, Arioli S, Stuknyte M, Karp M, et al. Oral bacteria as potential probiotics for the pharyngeal mucosa. Appl Environ Microbiol 2010; 76: 394858. 25. Zhang G, Chen R, Rudney JD. Streptococcus cristatus modulates the Fusobacterium nucleatum-induced epithelial interleukin-8 response through the nuclear factor-kappa B pathway. J Periodontal Res 2011; 46: 55867. 26. Zelante T, Iannitti RG, Cunha C, De Luca A, Giovannini G, Pieraccini G, et al. Tryptophan catabolites from microbiota engage aryl hydrocarbon receptor and balance mucosal reactivity via interleukin-22. Immunity 2013; 39: 37285. 27. Brestoff JR, Artis D. Commensal bacteria at the interface of host metabolism and the immune system. Nat Immunol 2013; 14: 67684. 28. Chang PV, Hao L, Offermanns S, Medzhitov R. The microbial metabolite butyrate regulates intestinal macrophage function via histone deacetylase inhibition. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2014; 111: 224752. 29. Bernardo D, Sanchez B, Al-Hassi HO, Mann ER, Urdaci MC, Knight SC, et al. Microbiota/host crosstalk biomarkers: regulatory response of human intestinal dendritic cells exposed to Lactobacillus extracellular encrypted peptide. PLoS One 2012; 7: e36262. 30. Kant R, de Vos WM, Palva A, Satokari R. Immunostimulatory CpG motifs in the genomes of gut bacteria and their role in human health and disease. J Med Microbiol 2014; 63: 293308. 31. Kawashima T, Kosaka A, Yan H, Guo Z, Uchiyama R, Fukui R, et al. Double-stranded RNA of intestinal commensal but not pathogenic bacteria triggers production of protective interferon-beta. Immunity 2013; 38: 118797. 32. Sampson TR, Saroj SD, Llewellyn AC, Tzeng Y-L, Weiss DS. A CRISPR/Cas system mediates bacterial innate immune evasion and virulence. Nature 2013; 497: 2547. 33. Kilian, M, Riley, DR, Jensen, A, Bruggeman, H, Tettelin H. Parallel evolution of Streptococcus pneumoniae and Streptococcus mitis to pathogenic and mutualistic lifestyles. mBio, 2014; 5: doi:10.1128/mBio.01490-14. 34. Lee K-A, Kim S-H, Kim E-K, Ha EM, You H, Kim B, et al. Bacterial-derived uracil as a modulator of mucosal immunity and gut-microbe homeostasis in Drosophila. Cell 2013; 153: 797811. 35. Faust K, Sathirapongsasuti JF, Izard J, Segata N, Gevers D, Raes J, et al. Microbial co-occurrence relationships in the human microbiome. PLoS Comput Biol 2012; 8: e1002606. 36. Scholz F, Badgley BD, Sadowsky MJ, Kaplan DH. Immune mediated shaping of microflora community composition depends on barrier site. PLoS One 2014; 9: e84019. 37. Belkaid Y, Naik S. Compartmentalized and systemic control of tissue immunity by commensals. Nat Immunol 2013; 14: 64653. 38. Twetman S, Derawi B, Keller M, Ekstrand K, Yucel-Lindberg T, Stecksen-Blicks C. Short-term effect of chewing gums containing probiotic Lactobacillus reuteri on the levels of inflammatory mediators in gingival crevicular fluid. Acta Odontol Scand 2009; 67: 1924. Deirdre A. Devine et al. 4 (page number not for citation purpose) Citation: Journal of Oral Microbiology 2015, 7: 26941 -