现代英语口语表示法500例( Evelyn录入) ★12☆ mind one' s own affairs少管闲事 call someone names辱骂某人 You are nothing but an old gossip! Can't you only mind your own affair? The neighbours keep dropping litter in front of her door. She couldnt bear it any morte and call them names weigh on someone' s mind心事重重 The failure of signing the contract has been weighing on his mind. He be neck and neck不分上下 couldnt sleep at night The two workshops are neck and neck in monthly output be of two minds拿不定主意 get up the nerve to.鼓起勇气去 Jill was of two minds as whether to spend the money on books or on The patient got up the nerve to ask the doctor how long he could live in he world have money to burn有花不完的钱 get on someone' s nerves使某人心烦 The new rich has money to bur There is an airport in the vicinity. The noise gets on my nerves once in a blue moon千载难逢 · a nobody无名小辈 Our boss is a miser. He gives us a treat only once in a blue moon He is somebody in the small town, but he is a nobody in the capital city · be down in the mouth垂头丧气 · lead someone around by the nose牽着别人的鼻子走 Sandra was down in the mouth because she didn t make the All nations should exercise their own judgement. They shouldnt be led appointment. around by some big countries · keep mum about something对某事保持沉默 poke one's nose into something乱打听别人的移事 The high official kept mum about his scandal ate those journalists who poke their nose into people' s private life. face the music承担责任,甘受责备 be a notch above someone略胜一筹 You are caught stealing You have to face the music In study, we are neck and neck; but in sports, he is a notch above me · hit the nail on the head说到点子上 · sit up and take notice of something/ someone对…刮目相看 I like to discuss with Helen. She always hits the nail on the head He used to know nothing about chemistry. Now he talks like a chemist I have to sit up and take notice of him现代英语口语表示法 500 例(Evelyn 录入) ☆ 12 ☆ • mind one's own affairs 少管闲事 You are nothing but an old gossip! Can't you only mind your own affair? • weigh on someone's mind 心事重重 The failure of signing the contract has been weighing on his mind. He couldn't sleep at night. • be of two minds 拿不定主意 Jill was of two minds as whether to spend the money on books or on clothes. • have money to burn 有花不完的钱 The new rich has money to burn. • once in a blue moon 千载难逢 Our boss is a miser. He gives us a treat only once in a blue moon. • be down in the mouth 垂头丧气 Sandra was down in the mouth because she didn't make the appointment. • keep mum about something 对某事保持沉默 The high official kept mum about his scandal. • face the music 承担责任,甘受责备 You are caught stealing. You have to face the music. • hit the nail on the head 说到点子上 I like to discuss with Helen. She always hits the nail on the head. • call someone names 辱骂某人 The neighbours keep dropping litter in front of her door. She couldn't bear it any morte and call them names. • be neck and neck 不分上下 The two workshops are neck and neck in monthly output. • get up the nerve to...鼓起勇气去…… The patient got up the nerve to ask the doctor how long he could live in the world. • get on someone's nerves 使某人心烦 There is an airport in the vicinity. The noise gets on my nerves. • a nobody 无名小辈 He is somebody in the small town, but he is a nobody in the capital city. • lead someone around by the nose 牵着别人的鼻子走 All nations should exercise their own judgement. They shouldn't be led around by some big countries. • poke one's nose into something 乱打听别人的私事 I hate those journalists who poke their nose into people's private life. • be a notch above someone 略胜一筹 In study, we are neck and neck; but in sports, he is a notch above me. • sit up and take notice of something/someone 对…刮目相看 He used to know nothing about chemistry. Now he talks like a chemist, I have to sit up and take notice of him
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