Just do it! 环境配置 Act ivation.jar、mail.jar、 xer ces.jar拷贝到 <catal ina home>/ common/l ib Apache AXIS=F: xml. apache or g/axis/index. html <AX| S HOME> webapps目录下的整个axis子目录拷贝到 <CATAL INA HOME>/webapps N 文件①)螺辑)查看(D)收()工具①)帮助信 道·分·日独常立收夹6·回·B 地址)htpm1:sext 转接 SooRA s同页·色我的订阅(9)百0个已拦乐盒M日分玻呀呼 Apache-AXIS what do you want to do todry? Validate the local installations comfiguration calendpointthatliststhecallershttpbeaders(orseeitsW'sdl) Apache-Axis Home Pape by default for security reasonal [disabled by default for security reasons To enable the disabled fames, uncomment the appropriate declarations in WEB- INE /web xml in the webapplication d restart iL Validating Axis If the"happyasis'validation page displays am exception instead of a stomas pape, the likely canse is that you hme maltiple XML classpath Clean up your classpath by eliminating extraneous parsen If you hae problems getting Axis to work, consult the Anis Witd and then try the Axis user mailing list 2021年8月30日 复旦大学2005年春Just do it! 2021年8月30日 复旦大学2005年春 ▪ Activation.jar、mail.jar、xerces.jar拷贝到 <catalina_home>/common/lib下 ▪ Apache AXIS软件:xml.apache.org/axis/index.html ▪ <AXIS_HOME>/webapps目录下的整个axis子目录拷贝到 <CATALINA_HOME>/webapps下 环境配置
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