Adverse effects and toxicity: (1)Depletion of K+(except K+-sparing diuretics),leading to hypo- kalemia. (2)Increase uric acid concentration and precipitate gout. (3)Increase serum lipid concentrations.Diuretics are not used for treating hypertension in patients with hyperlipidemia or diabetes. (4)Gynecomastia with spironolactone. II. SYMPATHOPLEGIC AGENTS Centrally acting (on vasomotor center): a-methyldopa,clonidine,guanabenz,guanfacine acting as a2 agonists Blocking synthesis and/or release of NE: reserpine,guanethidine,granadrel Blocking B-adrenoceptors: propranolol,metoprolol,labetalol,etc. Blocking sympathetic ganglia: trimethaphan Blocking a1-adrenoceptors in vessels: prazosin,doxazosin,tetrazosin Blocking renin release: propranolol and other B-blockers 66 Adverse effects and toxicity: (1) Depletion of K+ (except K+-sparing diuretics), leading to hypo￾kalemia. (2) Increase uric acid concentration and precipitate gout. (3) Increase serum lipid concentrations. Diuretics are not used for treating hypertension in patients with hyperlipidemia or diabetes. (4) Gynecomastia with spironolactone. II. SYMPATHOPLEGIC AGENTS Centrally acting (on vasomotor center): α-methyldopa, clonidine, guanabenz, guanfacine acting as α2 agonists Blocking synthesis and/or release of NE: reserpine, guanethidine, granadrel Blocking β-adrenoceptors: propranolol, metoprolol, labetalol, etc. Blocking sympathetic ganglia: trimethaphan Blocking α1-adrenoceptors in vessels: prazosin, doxazosin, tetrazosin Blocking renin release: propranolol and other β-blockers
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