英语 温州医科大学成人高等教育 英语练习题 (专科) 模拟试题一及答案1 第一册练习题及答案…8 模拟试题二及答案.… 55 第二册练习题及答案 .64 Sample Exam One (模拟考试一) Part【.(20%) Multiple Choice Directions:There are 20 incomplete statements here.You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer fr om the 4 choices marked A.B.C and D.You should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the cen tre. I was _in a small countryside in China. A.brought up B.bring up C.raised up D.raise up 2.These students have little for how others look at them. A.thinking B.thought C.concern D.consideration 3.The foreign teachers usually have their meals at the school A.library B.lab C.bookshop D.canteen 4.An overseas student studies. A.aboard B.abroad C.at sea D.at home 5.The food in the canteen is A.delighted B.detailed C.decided D.delicious 6.Chinese martial arts are great interest _many foreigners. A.in...to B.of...to C.in...in D.of...in 7.The morning flight is to us as we will arrive in time to attend the afternoon meeting. A.direct B.quick C.suitable D.inclusive 8.Are there still tickets_ on the morning flight to Shenzhen? A.free B.suitable C.available D.ready 9.Technicians with good skills are always_ A.on the demand B.on demand C.in the desand D.in demand 10.Miss Yang is likely to be for promotion. A.sent B.recommended C.advised D.reported 11.Mr.Liu works with a travel agency as a A.tourist guide B.tour guide C.travel guide D.trip guide 12.One cannot judge a person only by his conditions. A.economical B.economics C.economic D.economy 13.Department stores offer a big of items A.kind B.variety C.type D.model 14.They sold the old fumiture to make for the new A.a room B.a space C.room D.space英语 温州医科大学成人高等教育 英语练习题 (专科) 模拟试题一及答案……………………………………1 第一册练习题及答案……………………………………8 模拟试题二及答案………………………………………55 第二册练习题及答案……………………………………64 Sample Exam One (模拟考试一) Part Ⅰ. (20%) Multiple Choice Directions: There are 20 incomplete statements here. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer fr om the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the cen tre. I was _________ in a small countryside in China. A. brought up     B. bring up     C. raised up     D. raise up 2.  These students have little _________ for how others look at them.   A. thinking       B. thought      C. concern      D. consideration 3.  The foreign teachers usually have their meals at the school ___________.   A. library        B. lab          C. bookshop     D. canteen 4.  An overseas student studies __________.   A. aboard        B. abroad       C. at sea        D. at home 5.  The food in the canteen is ___________.   A. delighted      B. detailed      C. decided       D. delicious 6.  Chinese martial arts are ___________ great interest _________ many foreigners.   A. in…to        B. of …to       C. in…in        D. of…in 7.  The morning flight is ________ to us as we will arrive in time to attend the afternoon meeting.   A. direct         B. quick        C. suitable       D. inclusive 8.  Are there still tickets_________ on the morning flight to Shenzhen?   A. free          B. suitable       C. available      D. ready 9.  Technicians with good skills are always __________ .   A. on the demand   B. on demand   C. in the demand  D. in demand 10. Miss Yang is likely to be __________ for promotion.   A.  sent        B. recommended   C. advised       D. reported 11. Mr. Liu works with a travel agency as a _____________.   A. tourist guide   B. tour guide      C. travel guide    D. trip guide 12. One cannot judge a person only by his _________ conditions.   A. economical    B. economics      C. economic      D. economy 13. Department stores offer a big ___________ of items.   A. kind          B. variety         C. type          D. model 14. They sold the old furniture to make ___________ for the new.   A. a room        B. a space         C. room         D. space
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