824编程实例(6) With animate 1 do begin If listBox. ltemlndex=o then Animate 1. FileName= D: \ProgramFiles\borland delphi7\Demos\CoolStuf\cool. avi ∥这里的路径与 Delph7.0的安装路径有关。 case ListBox. temIndex of 0: CommonAv aviNone ∥这里指定 avinone就会调用 Animate. Filename中设置的文件。 1: CommonAV: avicopy File 2: CommonA: =aviCopy Files 3: CommonA: aviDelete File 4: CommonAL: =avIEmpty Recycle 5: CommonAV =aviFind Computer 6: CommonAl: aviFindFile 7: CommonAV aviFindFolder 8: CommonAl= aviDeleteFile end Inprise Dephi8.2.4 编程实例(6) With Animate1 do begin If ListBox1.ItemIndex = 0 then Animate1.FileName := 'D:\ProgramFiles\Borland\Delphi7\Demos\CoolStuf\cool.avi' ; //这里的路径与Delphi 7.0 的安装路径有关。 case ListBox1.ItemIndex of 0: CommonAVI := aviNone ; //这里指定avinone就会调用Animate.Filename中设置的文件。 1: CommonAVI := aviCopyFile ; 2: CommonAVI := aviCopyFiles ; 3: CommonAVI := aviDeleteFile ; 4: CommonAVI := aviEmptyRecycle ; 5: CommonAVI := aviFindComputer ; 6: CommonAVI := aviFindFile ; 7: CommonAVI := aviFindFolder ; 8: CommonAVI := aviDeleteFile ; end;
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