资料收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除 IV 16-20 BDCBA 21-25 BCADC 第三课时 Section A(4a~4c) I 1. afford 2. pay 3 off 4. transportation 5. reusable IL 6-10 AADBA Ill. 11. turn off 12. take part in 13. pay for 14. so far 15. to take action ⅣV.16-20 FTTTT 第四课时 Section b(1a~le I 1. Recycling 2 3. shopping 4. taking 5. napkin I 6. talking 7. sleeping 8. being 9. like 10. living ⅢI11-15 BACCO ⅣV.16-20 BCEFA 第五课时 Section b(2a~2e) 1. president 2. gate 3. inspiration 4. iron 5. creativity lI. 6 bottles 7. works 8. metal 9. be pulled down 10. heard of Ill. 11. put to good use 12. put upside down 13. throw away 14. bring back Ⅳ.16. water pollution17.令我惊讶的是,我注意到一个男的正在把液体倒入水里 18. why 19. It was a fresh sunny day. 20. People should care about the environment Self check I 1-5 ABBCD 6-10 ACACC II. 11-15 BDACB 16-20 ADCAB 单元写作小专题& Section B(3a~3b) 语言积累 8. light; harmful 9. recycle 10. necessary (二)A.5B.6C.1,2,3D (三1-5 ABCAD 四)1.publ 8. pre 篇章训练 只供学习与交流资料收集于网络,如有侵权 请联系网站删除 只供学习与交流 15. at the top of Ⅳ. 16-20 BDCBA 21-25 BCADC 第三课时 Section A(4a~4c) Ⅰ.1. afford 2. pay 3. off 4. transportation 5. reusable Ⅱ.6-10 AADBA Ⅲ.11 .turn off 12. take part in 13. pay for 14. so far 15. to take action Ⅳ.16-20 FTTTT 第四课时 Section B(1a~1e) Ⅰ.1. Recycling 2. own 3. shopping 4. taking 5. napkin Ⅱ.6. talking 7. sleeping 8. being 9. like 10. living Ⅲ.11-15 BACCC Ⅳ.16-20 BCEFA 第五课时 Section B(2a~2e) Ⅰ. 1. president 2. gate 3. inspiration 4. iron 5. creativity Ⅱ. 6. bottles 7. works 8. metal 9. be pulled down 10. heard of Ⅲ. 11. put to good use 12. put upside down 13. throw away 14. bring back 15. set up Ⅳ. 16. water pollution 17. 令我惊讶的是,我注意到一个男的正在把液体倒入水里。 18. why 19. It was a fresh sunny day. 20. People should care about the environment. Self Check Ⅰ.1-5 ABBCD 6-10 ACACC Ⅱ.11-15 BDACB 16-20 ADCAB 单元写作小专题&Section B(3a~3b) 一、语言积累 (一)1. bottom;full;rubbish 2. littering;pouring;fishermen 3. industrial 4.plastic;throwing;ugly 5. coal;pollution 6. noise 7. cruel 8.light;harmful 9. recycle 10. necessary (二)A. 5 B. 6 C. 1,2,3 D.4,9,10 (三)1-5ABCAD (四)1. public 2. instead 3. cleaning 4. waste water 5. litter 6. reuse 7. save 8. protect 9. methods (五)1. saving 2. improve 3. begin with 二、篇章训练 One possible version:
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