What determines whether an Equation is Identified or not? How do we tell if an equation is identified or not? There are two conditions we could look at The order Br condition- is a necessary but not sufficient condition for an equation to be identified The rank f condition-is a necessary and sufficient condition for identification 在G个内生变量、G个方程的联立方程组模型中,某一方程 是可识别的,当且仅当该方程没有包含的变量在其他方程中 对应系数组成的矩阵的秩为G-1 对于相对简单的方程系统,这两个规则将得到同样的结论。 ·事实上,大多数经济和金融方程系统都是过度识别的。 C Chris brooks2002,陈磊204© Chris Brooks 2002, 陈磊 2004 6-12 • How do we tell if an equation is identified or not? • There are two conditions we could look at: - The order 阶condition - is a necessary but not sufficient condition for an equation to be identified. - The rank 秩 condition - is a necessary and sufficient condition for identification. 在G个内生变量、G个方程的联立方程组模型中,某一方程 是可识别的,当且仅当该方程没有包含的变量在其他方程中 对应系数组成的矩阵的秩为G -1。 • 对于相对简单的方程系统,这两个规则将得到同样的结论。 • 事实上,大多数经济和金融方程系统都是过度识别的。 What Determines whether an Equation is Identified or not?
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