Object-Relational Data Models Relational model:flat,“atomic”values Object Relational Data Models Extend the relational data model by including object orientation and constructs to deal with added data types. Allow attributes of tuples to have complex types,including non- atomic values such as nested relations. Preserve relational foundations,in particular the declarative access to data,while extending modeling power. Provide upward compatibility with existing relational languages. Database System Concepts-6th Edition 1.19 @Silberschatz,Korth and SudarshanDatabase System Concepts - 6 1.19 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan th Edition Object-Relational Data Models Relational model: flat, “atomic” values Object Relational Data Models Extend the relational data model by including object orientation and constructs to deal with added data types. Allow attributes of tuples to have complex types, including nonatomic values such as nested relations. Preserve relational foundations, in particular the declarative access to data, while extending modeling power. Provide upward compatibility with existing relational languages