(a) (b) Figure 8.1/Regenerated laminar (P-CVI,toluene 2kPa,1,000C and residence time t=2s)(a) Cross-polarized light:high reflectance and smooth branches of the Maltese-cross, bar is 10 um;(b)TEM darkfield:fiber surface-generated cones vanish as secondary cones generate(self-generation);only large cones survive,bar is 1 um.After Bourrat etal.(2002). ©2003 Taylor&FrancisFigure 8.11 Regenerated laminar (P-CVI, toluene 2 kPa, 1,000 C and residence time t  2s) (a) Cross-polarized light: high reflectance and smooth branches of the Maltese-cross, bar is 10m; (b) TEM darkfield: fiber surface-generated cones vanish as secondary cones generate (self-generation); only large cones survive, bar is 1m. After Bourrat et al. (2002). (a) (b) © 2003 Taylor & Francis
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