556 IMEAN 23616 ★者者 X It's fine,but,I mean,is it worth the price? 598 ALOT 22332 南南有 They go camping a lot in the summer. 631 RATHER THAN 21085 ★者南 贵南南 ★南南 Children,rather than adults,tend to leam quickly. 635 SO THAT 20966 ★者内 Park it so that the wheels are curbed. 655 A LITTLE 20296 南南者 南南 I like to work out a little before dinner. 674 A BIT (OF) 19618 南南南 南青 X There was a bit of drama today at the office. 717 AS WELL AS 18041 南南南 南南有 南南★ She jogs as well as swims. 803 IN FACT 15983 南南南 南南南 南南 The researchers tried several approaches,in fact. 807 (BE)LIKELY TO 15854 中者者 者青贵 贵素有 To be honest,Im likely to forget. 825G00N 15610 ★者南 南南南 He went on for a while before stopping for lunch. 845 IS TO 15232 南南南 Obama is to address the media this aftemoon. 854 A NUMBER OF 15090 贵★ 黄南南 南南南 A number of concems were raised. 879 AT ALL 14650 南南南 Do you have any kids at all? 888 AS IF 14470 X They walked together as if no time had passed. 892 USED TO (PAST)14411 帝南南 X It used to snow much more often. 894 WAS TO 14366 贵南南 南青 The message was to be transmitted worldwide. 908 NOT ONLY 14110 为南南 贵南南 ★★香 Not only was it cheap.it was delicious 913 THOSE WHO 13951 X 南南★ 南南者 He would defend those who had no voice. 934 DEAL WITH 13634 贵南南 者南南 南青 The police had several issues to deal with. 939 LEAD TO 13555 Excessive smoking can lead to heart disease. ('CAUSE) 951 SORT OF 13361 ★者者 It's sort of why I'm here. 974 THE FOLLOWING 12963 南青南 He made the following remarks. 984 IN ORDER TO 12762 We shared a room in order to reduce costs 988 HAVE GOT (+NP) 12734 I don't know what he has got planned. end of 1k 22 556 I MEAN 23616 * * * x x It’s fine, but, I mean, is it worth the price? 598 A LOT 22332 * * * * x They go camping a lot in the summer. 631 RATHER THAN 21085 * * * * * * * * * Children, rather than adults, tend to learn quickly. 635 SO THAT 20966 * * * * * * Park it so that the wheels are curbed. 655 A LITTLE 20296 * * * * * * I like to work out a little before dinner. 674 A BIT (OF) 19618 * * * * * x There was a bit of drama today at the office. 717 AS WELL AS 18041 * * * * * * * * * She jogs as well as swims. 803 IN FACT 15983 * * * * * * * * The researchers tried several approaches, in fact. 807 (BE) LIKELY TO 15854 * * * * * * * * * To be honest, I’m likely to forget. 825 GO ON 15610 * * * * * * * He went on for a while before stopping for lunch. 845 IS TO 15232 x * * * x Obama is to address the media this afternoon. 854 A NUMBER OF 15090 * * * * * * * * A number of concerns were raised. 879 AT ALL 14650 * * * * * * * * Do you have any kids at all? 888 AS IF 14470 * * * * * x They walked together as if no time had passed. 892 USED TO (PAST) 14411 * * * * x It used to snow much more often. 894 WAS TO 14366 x * * * * * The message was to be transmitted worldwide. 908 NOT ONLY 14110 * * * * * * * * * Not only was it cheap, it was delicious. 913 THOSE WHO 13951 x * * * * * * He would defend those who had no voice. 934 DEAL WITH 13634 * * * * * * * * The police had several issues to deal with. 939 LEAD TO ('CAUSE') 13555 * * * * * * Excessive smoking can lead to heart disease. 951 SORT OF 13361 * * * x x It’s sort of why I’m here. 974 THE FOLLOWING 12963 x * * * * He made the following remarks. 984 IN ORDER TO 12762 * * * * * * * * We shared a room in order to reduce costs 988 HAVE GOT (+NP) 12734 * * * * x I don’t know what he has got planned. -end of 1k
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