M. Kotani et al. / Composites Science and Technology 62(2002)2179-2188 600 and 700 K, with large amount of mass Preparation and properties of monolithic and composite ceramics degradation and gas evolution. PVS and its produced by polymer pyrolysis. Am Ceram Soc Bull lurry with Sic particles could be compound 1983:62(8):916-23 very well into Hi-Nicalon preform without dilu- 9 Yoshida H, Miyata N, Sagawa M. Ishikawa S, Naito K,Eno- tion, owing to its low viscosity and excellent moto N, Yamagishi C. Preparation of unidirectionally reinforced carbon-SiC composite by repeated infiltration of polycarbosilane wettability against SiCPcS fiber J Ceram Soc Japan 1992: 100(4): 454-8. 2. Efficient densification could be achieved under [10] Shin Dw, Tanaka H. Low-temperature processing of ceramic the consolidation condition in which the physical oven fabric/ceramic matrix composites. J Am Ceram Soc 1994: characteristics of the precursor were well 77(1):97-104. [1 Tanaka T, Tamari N, Kondoh I, Iwasa M. Fabrication and balanced with external pressure. Lowering heat- echanical properties of 3-dimensional Tyranno fiber reinforced ing rate was also approved to be beneficial for Sic composites by repeated infiltration of polycarbosilane. J mproving relative density of a consolidated Ceram Soc Japan 1996: 104(5): 454-7 body. By the process optimization, acon [2] Hurwitz Fl, Calomino AM. Mechanical behavior of a Hi-Nica- solidated body of 70% of relative density with lonM/SiC composite having a polycarbosilane derived matrix. Ceram Eng Sci Proc 1999: 20(3): 251-8. favorable fiber distribution successfully pro- duced only one time PIP processing [13 Interrante LV, Whitmarsh CW, Sherwood w, Wu HJ, Lewis R, Maciel G. High yield polycarbosilane precursors to stoichio- 3. Requirements in consolidation processing to metric SiC Synthesis, Pyrolysis and Application. Mater Res Soc fabricate strong composite were fundamentally Symp Proc 1994:346:593-603 acquired. It was approved that increasing fib [14 Interrante LV, Rushkin 1, Shen Q. Linear and hyper polycarbosilanes with Si-CH]Si bridging groups:a volume fraction was most important factor for e producti materials. Appl Organometal Chem 1998: 12: 695-705 composite showed non-catastrophic fracture [5] Kotani M, Kohyama A, Okamura K, Inoue T. Fabrication behavi nce SiC/SiC composite by polymer impregnation [16 Kotani M, Kohyama A, Katoh Y, Okamura K. Effect of Sic article dispersion on microstructure and mechanical properties Acknowledgements [17 Jamet J, Spann JR, Rice RW, Lewis D, Coblenz ws Ceramic- er composite processing via polymer-filler matrices Ceram Eng This work is performed as a part of'R&d of Com- Sci proc1984;5(7):677-94 [18 Suttor D, Erny T, Grail P, Goedeke H, Hung T Fiber reinforced posite Materials for Advanced Energy Systems'research cmc with polymer/filler derived matrix. In: Hausner H, Hirano S, project, supported by Core Research for Evolutional Messing gL, et al, editors. Ceramic Transactions, vol. 51. Wes- Science and Technology(CREST). The authors are berville OH: Am Ceram Soc: 1995.p 211-5. grateful to Dr. M. Itoh(Mitsui chemicals, inc )for pro- (9) Greil P. Active-filler-controlled pyrolysis of preceramic polymers iding polyvinylsilane [20 Idesaki A, Narisawa M, Okamura K, Sugimoto M, Morita Y, Seguchi T, et al. Fine silicon carbide fibers synthesized from beam curing. J Mater Sci 2001: 36: 357-62. References 21 Itoh M, Iwata K, Kobayashi M, Takeuchi R, Kabeya T. Pre- [1 Brewer D. HSR/ EPM combustor materials development pro- 1998:31:560915 Mater Sci Eng 1999: A(261): 284-91 22 Boury B, Corriu RJP, Leclercq D, Mutin PH, Planeix JP,Vioux K, Tezuka A, Funayama O, Isoda T, Terada Y, Kato S, A. Poly(vinylsilane): a precursor to silicon carbide. I. Preparation 4. Fabrication and pressure testing of a gas-turbine com- and characterization. Organometallics 1991: 10: 1457-61 manufactured by a preceramic-polymer-impregnation 23]Boury B, Corriu RP, Douglas WE Poly(carbosilane precursors Comp Sci Technol 1999: 59: 853-9 of silicon carbide: rhe effect of cross-linking on ceramic residue. RE Recent development in fibers and interphases for Chem Mater 1991: 3 487-9 high temperature ceramic matrix composites Composites: Part A [24] Hurwitz Fl, Kacik TA, Bu XY, Masnovi J, Heimann PJ, Beyer K Pyrolytic conversion of methyl- and vinylsilane polymer to Si- 1 Kohyama A, Katoh Y, Hinoki T, Zhang W, Kotani M. Progress C ceramics. J Mater Sci 1995: 30: 3130-6 25 Corriu RP, Leclercq D, Mutin PH, Planeix JM, Vioux A ystems: CREST-ACE program Proc &th Eur Conf Comp Mater Mechanism of pyrolysis of polycarbosilanes: Poly(silylethylene) and poly( dimethylsilylethylene) Organometallics 1993: 12: 454-62 I Snead LL, Jones R, Kohyama A, Fenici P Status of silicon car- [26] Schmidt WR, Interrante LV, Doremus RH, Trout TK, Marchetti s, Maciel GE. Pyrolysis chemistry of an organometallic pre- [6 Cornie JA, Chiang YM, Uhlmann DR, Mortensen A, Collins cursor to silicon carbide. Chem Mater 1991: 3(2): 257 JM. Processing of metal and ceramic matrix composites Ceram 27 Jessen TL, Greenhut III V.A., Friel JJ. J Am Cerar Bul986;65(2:293-303 82(10)2753-61 [7 Jones R, Szweda A, Petrak D. Polymer derived ceramic matrix [28 Soraru GD, Babonneau F, Mackenzie JD. Structural evolutions mposites. Composites: Part A 1999: 30: 569-75 from polycarbosilane to SiC ceramic. J Mater Sci 1 [8 Walker Jr, BE, Rice RW, Becher PF, Bender BA, Coblenz wS600 and 700 K, with large amount of mass degradation and gas evolution. PVS and its slurry with SiC particles could be compound very well into Hi-Nicalon preform without dilu￾tion, owing to its low viscosity and excellent wettability against SiCPCS fiber. 2. Efficient densification could be achieved under the consolidation condition in which the physical characteristics of the precursor were well balanced with external pressure. Lowering heat￾ing rate was also approved to be beneficial for improving relative density of a consolidated body. By the process optimization, a con￾solidated body of 70% of relative density with favorable fiber distribution was successfully pro￾duced only one time PIP processing. 3. Requirements in consolidation processing to fabricate strong composite were fundamentally acquired. It was approved that increasing fiber volume fraction was most important factor for strong composite production as far as the composite showed non-catastrophic fracture behavior. Acknowledgements This work is performed as a part of ‘R&D of Com￾posite Materials for Advanced Energy Systems’ research project, supported by Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology (CREST). The authors are grateful to Dr. M. Itoh (Mitsui chemicals, inc.) for pro￾viding polyvinylsilane. References [1] Brewer D. HSR/EPM combustor materials development pro￾gram. Mater Sci Eng 1999;A(261):284–91. [2] Sato K, Tezuka A, Funayama O, Isoda T, Terada Y, Kato S, Iwasa M. Fabrication and pressure testing of a gas-turbine com￾ponent manufactured by a preceramic-polymer-impregnation method. Comp Sci Technol 1999;59:853–9. [3] Tressler RE. Recent development in fibers and interphases for high temperature ceramic matrix composites. Composites: Part A 1999;30:429–37. [4] Kohyama A, Katoh Y, Hinoki T, Zhang W, Kotani M. Progress in the development of SiC/SiC composite for advanced energy systems: CREST-ACE program. Proc 8th Eur Conf Comp Mater 1998;4:15–22. [5] Snead LL, Jones R, Kohyama A, Fenici P. Status of silicon car￾bide composites for fusion. J Nucl Mater 1996:233–7. [6] Cornie JA, Chiang YM, Uhlmann DR, Mortensen A, Collins JM. Processing of metal and ceramic matrix composites. Ceram Bull 1986;65(2):293–303. [7] Jones R, Szweda A, Petrak D. Polymer derived ceramic matrix composites. Composites: Part A 1999;30:569–75. [8] Walker Jr, BE, Rice RW, Becher PF, Bender BA, Coblenz WS. Preparation and properties of monolithic and composite ceramics produced by polymer pyrolysis. Am Ceram Soc Bull 1983;62(8):916–23. [9] Yoshida H, Miyata N, Sagawa M, Ishikawa S, Naito K, Eno￾moto N, Yamagishi C. Preparation of unidirectionally reinforced carbon-SiC composite by repeated infiltration of polycarbosilane. J Ceram Soc Japan 1992;100(4):454–8. [10] Shin DW, Tanaka H. Low-temperature processing of ceramic woven fabric/ceramic matrix composites. J Am Ceram Soc 1994; 77(1):97–104. [11] Tanaka T, Tamari N, Kondoh I, Iwasa M. Fabrication and mechanical properties of 3-dimensional Tyranno fiber reinforced SiC composites by repeated infiltration of polycarbosilane. J Ceram Soc Japan 1996;104(5):454–7. [12] Hurwitz FI, Calomino AM. 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Kotani et al. / Composites Science and Technology 62 (2002) 2179–2188
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