4 张德云等:恩诺沙星在日本鳗鲴体内残留消除规律研究 较长的休药期,建议选择其他替代药物来防治鳗鱼[3]周秦秦,傅颖君,况荣华,等.高效液相色谱法测定盐 的相关疾病 酸环丙沙星血药浓度及其药动学研究[J]中国医院 药学杂志,1998,18(3):114-116 参考文献 [4]张桥.卫生毒理学基础M]3版.北京:人民卫生出 [1]应翔宇,杨永胜兽用新型抗菌药物·恩诺沙星[J 版社,200033-35 中国兽药杂志,1995,29(3):53-56 [5]吴皓,尹文林,邵健忠,等.环丙沙星在鳗鲡组织中残 [2]邱银根.喹诺酮类药物在动物组织的残留[J]中国 留的消除规律[J科技通报,2003,19(6):448-451 兽药杂志,1996,30(1):4649 Stud ies on Elim ina tion of enrofloxac in residues and Its m e ta bo lites in eel tissues ZHANG De-yun, KUANG Wei-hua, ZHENG Ying-qin Shunde Entry-Exit hspecton and Quarantine Bureau, Shunde 528303, China Abstract: The HPC method was emp byed b conduct the quantitative detem ination of the residues of enrofbxa cin and its metabolite(ci ofboxac in)in tissues of eel (Anguilla japon ica). The within-day and be teen-day varr atons were 1. 86% and 2 53% for the method, respectively The recovery was(95 +6)% with Q 2 mg/kg standard sp iked The west detection Imit was 1.0 Hg/kg Field test was adop ted b evaluate the dep letion rates of the drugs in muscles, serum, intestines, gills and livers Eels were fed with enofbxac in at a do sage of 9 mg/ kg wice a day in seven days successively The concentratons of the wo drugs ose by serrated curve during the first seven days Residues of enrofoxac in and cprofloxac in were elm nated slowly in varous tissues Residues of ues of inte in muscles and serum bok 90 days t ache ive the same level Residues of enofloxac in in all tissues were lower than the m inmum de tecton Im it(1.0Hg/kg) afterw ithdrawal of 120 days For the sake of food security, eels are not allowed t sale less than 120 days after ad m inistratpn of enmfloxac in under the do sage above Key words: enofloxac in; eel(Anguilla japon ica); residues, HPLC 债责任编辑:小舟) 新书信息 由大连水产学院王吉桥、汪秋宽、叶林编著的“新世纪高等教育教学改革工程列之一:僕语科技论文写作》由黑龙 江科学技术出版社出版。本书面向大、中专学生和科研工作者,以英语语言学和写作知识与技能为基础,以水产养殖学专业 为媒介,以提高英语写作能力为目的,主要解决广大科研工作者在英文论文写作方面出现的问题。本书有以下特点 L深入浅出,循序渐进,以“词一词组一句一段落—篇章酌编排顺序作为英语写作的认识路线 2将中英思维和写作方式的对比作为英语写作的理论基础, 将运用英语知识提高写作技能作为英语写作的根本目的。 4实用性强。本书编者在联合国粮农组织、连水产学院学报》你产科学蹂志多年从事英文论文写作和英文编辑 等相关工作,经验丰富;书中所举事例皆为实际写作过程中出现的 本3电活学,地址江省大区5 201994-2007chinaAcademicJournalElectronicPublishingHouse.Allrightsreservedhttp:/www.cnki.net较长的休药期 ,建议选择其他替代药物来防治鳗鱼 的相关疾病。 参考文献 : [ 1 ] 应翔宇 ,杨永胜. 兽用新型抗菌药物 - 恩诺沙星 [J ]. 中国兽药杂志 , 1995, 29 (3) : 53256. [ 2 ] 邱银根. 喹诺酮类药物在动物组织的残留 [J ]. 中国 兽药杂志 , 1996, 30 (1) : 46249. [ 3 ] 周秦秦 ,傅颖君 ,况荣华 ,等. 高效液相色谱法测定盐 酸环丙沙星血药浓度及其药动学研究 [J ]. 中国医院 药学杂志 , 1998, 18 (3) : 1142116. [ 4 ] 张桥. 卫生毒理学基础 [M ]. 3版. 北京 :人民卫生出 版社 , 2000: 33235. [ 5 ] 吴皓 ,尹文林 ,邵健忠 ,等. 环丙沙星在鳗鲡组织中残 留的消除规律 [J ]. 科技通报 , 2003, 19 (6) : 4482451. Studies on Elim ina tion of Enrofloxac in Residues and ItsM etabolites in Eel Tissues ZHANG De2yun, KUANGW ei2hua, ZHENG Ying2qin ( Shunde Entry2Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, Shunde 528303, China ) Abstract: The HPLC method was emp loyed to conduct the quantitative determ ination of the residues of enrofloxa2 cin and itsmetabolite ( cip rofloxacin) in tissues of eel (Angu illa japonica). The within2day and between2day vari2 ations were 1. 86% and 2. 53% for the method, respectively. The recovery was ( 95 ±6 ) % with 0. 2 mg/kg standard sp iked. The lowest detection lim it was 1. 0μg/kg. Field test was adop ted to evaluate the dep letion rates of the drugs in muscles, serum, intestines, gills and livers. Eels were fed with enrofloxacin at a dosage of 9 mg/ kg twice a day in seven days successively. The concentrations of the two drugs rose by serrated curve during the first seven days. Residues of enrofloxacin and cip rofloxacin were elim inated slowly in various tissues. Residues of enrofloxacin were lower than 5μg/kg after 60 days in tissues of intestines, gills and livers, while the concentration in muscles and serum took 90 days to acheive the same level. Residues of enrofloxacin in all tissues were lower than the m inimum detection lim it(1. 0μg/kg) afterwithdrawal of 120 days. For the sake of food security, eels are not allowed to sale less than 120 days after adim inistration of enrofloxacin under the dosage above. Key words: enrofloxacin; eel(Angu illa japon ica) ; residues; HPLC (责任编辑 : 小 舟 ) 新 书 信 息 由大连水产学院王吉桥、汪秋宽、叶林编著的“新世纪高等教育教学改革工程 ”系列之一 :《英语科技论文写作 》已由黑龙 江科学技术出版社出版。本书面向大、中专学生和科研工作者 ,以英语语言学和写作知识与技能为基础 ,以水产养殖学专业 为媒介 ,以提高英语写作能力为目的 ,主要解决广大科研工作者在英文论文写作方面出现的问题。本书有以下特点 : 1. 深入浅出 ,循序渐进 ,以“词 —词组 —句 —段落 —篇章 ”的编排顺序作为英语写作的认识路线。 2. 将中英思维和写作方式的对比作为英语写作的理论基础。 3. 将运用英语知识提高写作技能作为英语写作的根本目的。 4. 实用性强。本书编者在联合国粮农组织、《大连水产学院学报 》、《水产科学 》杂志多年从事英文论文写作和英文编辑 等相关工作 ,经验丰富 ;书中所举事例皆为实际写作过程中出现的。 本书定价 25. 00元 ,邮挂费 3元。如购买 ,请汇款至《水产科学 》编辑部。地址 :辽宁省大连市沙河口区黑石礁街 50号 《水产科学 》编辑部 ,邮编 : 116023,联系电话 : 0411—84679512。 第 4期 张德云等 : 恩诺沙星在日本鳗鲡体内残留消除规律研究 312
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