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Chicago Press, Chicago, 1993). 61. Griffiths, D. Local and regional species richness in North American lacustrine fish. J. Anim. Ecol. 66, 49–56 (1997). 62. Eeley, H. A. C. & Lawes, M. J. in Primate Communities(eds Feagle, J. G., Janson, C. & Reed, K. E.) 191–219 (Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1999). 63. Cornell, H. V. Unsaturation and regional influences on species richness in ecological communities: a review of the evidence. Ecoscience 6, 303–315 (1999). 64. Whittaker, R. H. Vegetation of the Siskiyou mountains, Oregon and California. Ecol. Monogr. 30, 279–338 (1960). 65. Ricklefs, R. E. & Schluter, D. (eds) Species Diversity in Ecological Communities(Univ. Chicago Press, Chicago, 1993). 66. Gotelli, N. J. & Graves, G. R. Null Models in Ecology (Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington DC, 1996). 67. Brown, J. H. Macroecology (Univ. Chicago Press, Chicago, 1995). 68. Flather, C. H., Wilson, K. R., Dean, D. J. & McComb, W. C. Identifying gaps in conservation networks: of indicators and uncertainty in geographic-based analyses. Ecol. Appl. 7, 531–542 (1997). 69. Prendergast, J. R., Quinn, R. M., Lawton, J. H., Eversham, B. C. & Gibbons, D. W. Rare species, the coincidence of diversity hotspots and conservation strategies. Nature 365, 335–337 (1993). 70. van Jaarsveld, A. S. et al. Biodiversity assessment and conservation strategies. Science 279, 2106–2108 (1998). 71. Gaston, K. J. Biodiversity — congruence. Prog. Phys. Geogr. 20, 105–112 (1996). 72. Stork, N. E. in Biodiversity II: Understanding and Protecting our Biological Resources(eds Reaka-Kudla, M. L., Wilson, D. E. & Wilson, E. O.) 41–68 (Henry, Washington DC, 1997). 73. Andersen, M., Thornhill, A. & Koopowitz, H. in Tropical Forest Remnants: Ecology, Management, and Conservation of Fragmented Communities(eds Laurance, W. F. & Bierregaard, R. O. Jr) 281–291 (Univ. Chicago Press, Chicago, 1997). 74. Chown, S. L., Gaston, K. J. & Williams, P. H. Global patterns in species richness of pelagic seabirds: the Procellariiformes. Ecography 21, 342–350 (1998). 75. Rohde, K. Latitudinal gradients in species diversity: the search for the primary cause. Oikos 65, 514–527 (1992). 76. Judas, M. The species-area relationship of European Lumbricidae (Annelida, Oligochaeta). Oecologia 76, 579–587 (1988). 77. Patterson, B. D., Stotz, D. F., Solari, S., Fitzpatrick, J. W. & Pacheco, V. Contrasting patterns of elevational zonation for birds and mammals in the Andes of southeastern Peru. J. Biogeogr. 25, 593–607 (1998). 78. O’Brien, E. M. Climatic gradients in woody plant species richness: towards an explanation based on an analysis of southern Africa’s woody flora. J. Biogeogr. 20, 181–198 (1993). 79. Pianka, E. R. & Schall, J. J. in Ecological Biogeography of Australia Vol. 3 (ed. Keast, A.) 1677–1694 (Junk, The Hague, 1981). Acknowledgements I thank T. M. Blackburn, S. L. Chown, A. Clarke, S. Gaston, P. H. Warren, T. J. Webb and F. I. Woodward for generous discussion and comments, and J. J. D. Greenwood and the British Trust for Ornithology, D. Griffiths, J. T. Kerr, J. J. Lennon, E. M. O’Brien, B. D. Patterson and R. J. Whittaker for kindly providing data. K.J.G. is a Royal Society University Research Fellow. insight review articles NATURE | VOL 405 | 11 MAY 2000 | www.nature.com © 2000 Macmillan Magazines Ltd 227
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