Charles dickens(1812-1870), a famous British novelist. He is a key representative (主要代表)of19 h century British literary realism(批判现实主义文学). He created many novels(n.小说). such as The pickwick Paper《匹克威克外传》). Oliver Twist 《雾都孤儿》), Hard Times(《艰难时世》), A Tale of two cities(《双城记》), Expectations(《远大前程》), A Christmas caro(《圣诞颂歌》)Charles Dickens (1812-1870), a famous British novelist. He is a key representative (主要代表) of 19th century British literary realism(批判现实主义文学). He created many novels (n. 小说), such as The Pickwick Papers(《匹克威克外传》), Oliver Twist (《雾都孤儿》), Hard Times (《艰难时世》), A Tale of Two Cities (《双城记》), Expectations (《远大前程》), A Christmas Carol (《圣诞颂歌》)
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