四川建筑职业技术学院 授课教案 The eyes are sensitive to light眼睛对光敏感。 4. clerk和 secretary clerk n.(银行、办公室、商店等雇用的)办事员:书记员(从事保管案卷、账册、 抄写信件等工作) secretary n.(办公室中雇来为整个部门处理信函,保管档案,安排约会或业务; 或者为某一个人处理类似事务者)秘书;书记(为某一党派内的一职务)。 She thought that she satisfied the qualifications of a bank clerk 她认为自己符合银行职员的条件。 . As a secretary. sometimes she has to work overtime 作为一名秘书,有时她不得不加班。 E.騾文重点增点群 1. Let us suppose that your letter of app l ication for a job has been received by your prospective emp loyer and you have been asked to go to the office for an interview.( ( paragraph1,line1)假如你的求职信已经被可能聘你的雇主 收到,并请你去他的办公室面试 prospective adj.有望的;预期的;未来的。 Prospect n期望;景象。 Prospects n 盼望,希望之事 This is the prospective Labor candidate.这是未来的工党候选人 see little prospect of his recovery我看他没有痊愈的希望。 The manager held out bright prospects to me if I would accept the position.如果我愿 意接受那个职位,经理答应给我光明的前途。 2. Make a list of all the points you want to ask about if you have a chance. ( paragraph2,line1)列出你有机会问的一切要点。 make a list of列出。 Please make a list of those who will attend the opening ceremony 请列出参加开幕式的人员名单 You'd better make a shopping list before going to shops 去买东西前,你最好列张购物清单。 3. In fact, if you can, be a little ear ly.( paragraph3,line2)实际上,如果能 够的话,还是早一点。 in fact实际上。 He looks honest in d isguise but in fact he's a rogue 他伪装很忠厚,实际上是个流氓。 似短语有: actually, virtually, as a matter of fact 4. Thirdly, make a l itt le extra effort with your appearance (paragraph 5, line 1)第三,要格外注意你的仪表。 effort n努力,尽力,努力尝试。 Does it require a great effort to quit bad habits? 戒除坏习惯需要坚强的毅力吗? They 'll try to make every effort to help us when we are in trouble 朱瑞娜基础科学系英语教研室 第4页四 川 建 筑 职 业 技 术 学 院 授 课 教 案 朱瑞娜 基础科学系英语教研室 第 4 页 2005 年 •The eyes are sensitive to light.眼睛对光敏感。 4.clerk 和secretary clerk n.(银行、办公室、商店等雇用的)办事员;书记员(从事保管案卷、账册、 抄写信件等工作)。 secretary n.(办公室中雇来为整个部门处理信函,保管档案,安排约会或业务; 或者为某一个人处理类似事务者)秘书;书记(为某一党派内的一职务)。 •She thought that she satisfied the qualifications of a bank clerk. 她认为自己符合银行职员的条件。 •As a secretary, sometimes she has to work overtime. 作为一名秘书,有时她不得不加班。 E.课文重点难点详解 1. Let us suppose that your letter of application for a job has been received by your prospective employer and you have been asked to go to the office for an interview.(paragraph 1,line 1)假如你的求职信已经被可能聘你的雇主 收到,并请你去他的办公室面试。 prospective adj. 有望的;预期的;未来的。Prospect n.期望;景象。Prospects n. 盼望,希望之事。 •This is the prospective Labor candidate.这是未来的工党候选人。 •I see little prospect of his recovery.我看他没有痊愈的希望。 •The manager held out bright prospects to me if I would accept the position.如果我愿 意接受那个职位,经理答应给我光明的前途。 2. Make a list of all the points you want to ask about if you have a chance. (paragraph 2,line 1)列出你有机会问的一切要点。 make a list of 列出。 •Please make a list of those who will attend the opening ceremony. 请列出参加开幕式的人员名单。 •You’d better make a shopping list before going to shops. 去买东西前,你最好列张购物清单。 3.In fact,if you can,be a little early.(paragraph3,line 2)实际上,如果能 够的话,还是早一点。 in fact实际上。 •He looks honest in disguise, but in fact he’s a rogue. 他伪装很忠厚,实际上是个流氓。 类似短语有:actually, virtually, as a matter of fact. 4.Thirdly,make a little extra effort with your appearance.(paragraph 5,line 1)第三,要格外注意你的仪表。 effort n.努力,尽力,努力尝试。 •Does it require a great effort to quit bad habits? 戒除坏习惯需要坚强的毅力吗? •They’ll try to make every effort to help us when we are in trouble
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