Chapter32 Relativity What is relativity all about? Newton's laws of motion give us a complete description of the behavior moving objects at low speeds. a Einstein's Special Theory of relativity describes the motion of particles moving at close to the speed of light Special means that the theory deals only with inertial reference frames。 Space and time are entangled(牵连 相对论是关于物质运动与时间空间关系的理论。局 限于惯性参考系的时空理论称为狹义相对论。What is relativity all about? ■ Newton's laws of motion give us a complete description of the behavior moving objects at low speeds. ■ Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity describes the motion of particles moving at close to the speed of light. Special means that the theory deals only with inertial reference frames。 Space and time are entangled(牵连). 相对论是关于物质运动与时间空间关系的理论。局 限于惯性参考系的时空理论称为狭义相对论
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