TAISHANMEDICAL UNIVERSITY Sclool of Radiology Examination Paper for International students(SET A) 6 Semester Final Exams,September Session 2009 Time-30minutes FullMarks-80 Name. Roll No. Tick mark (v)the one best answer 1.Pneumomediatinum refersto the presence of air in a.Neck b.Around the great vessels c.Pleural cavity d.Abdominal cavity 2.Retropharyngeal abscess is characterised by Involves the prevertebral apace est seen on 3.Punched out lytic lesions in the skull are characteristicof Multiple myeloma b.Hy 4.The cranialnervere a I bIc Il dIv 5.Modality of choice diagnosing acute subarachnoid hemorraghe a.Non contrast CT b. Contrast enhanced CT Non contras hema 6 Acute appear nyperdense or axial collectior The common est site for hu ve bleed is basal ganglia spaces s&basal cisterns 7.Which of the followingforeign bodies can be visualizedradiographically a Glass b Wood c Plastic d None 8.Absence of gas on abdominal radiograph suggests a.Proximal sBo b.Psoas abscess c.Chest infection d.Midgut volvulus 9.Contrast media of choice in investigating a suspected case of ileal perforation arium sulphate b.Gastrograffin c.Dionosuly 10.Intra 7 scous d.】 enous urogra hy ont indicated in all except nal ins contras 11.Besti a.Technetium scan b USG c.Plainxray abd d.CT 12.Left atrial hypertrophy is seen radiologically as a.Double cardiac shadow b.Left bronchialelevation c.Straightnening of left border d.All of the above 13.Left to right shunt is usually demonstrated in chest x ray by a.Increase in pulmonary venous markings b.Increase in size of pulmonary arteries Taishan medical university School of Radiology Examination Paper for International students (SET A) 6 th Semester Final Exams, September Session 2009 Time– 30 minutes Full Marks -30 Name. Roll No. . Tick mark (√) the one best answer 1. Pneumomediatinum refers to the presence of air in a. Neck b.Around the great vessels c.Pleural cavity d. Abdominal cavity 2. Retropharyngeal abscess is characterised by a. Involves the prevertebral apace b. Best seen on lateral x-ray c. May occur with TB of cervical verterbrae d. All the above 3. Punched out lytic lesions in the skull are characteristic of a. Multiple myeloma b.Hyperparathyroidism c.Metastases d.None of the above 4. The cranial nerve readily visualised on CT images a. I b II c. III d.IV 5. Modality of choice diagnosing acute subarachnoid hemorraghe a. Non contrast CT b. Contrast enhanced CT c. Contrast enhanced MR d. Non contrast MR 6. All are true about intracranial hematomas except a. Acute hematoma appear hyperdense on CT b. Extradural hematoma appears as a lenticular shaped extra-axial collection c. Acute subdural hemorraghe appears as hyperdense in sulcal spaces & basal cisterns d. The commonest site for hypertensive bleed is basal ganglia 7. Which of the following foreign bodies can be visualized radiographically a. Glass b.Wood c.Plastic d.None 8. Absence of gas on abdominal radiograph suggests a. Proximal SBO b.Psoas abscess c.Chest infection d.Midgut volvulus 9. Contrast media of choice in investigating a suspected case of ileal perforation a. Barium sulphate b.Gastrograffin c.Dionosul viscous d.Lipoidol 10.Intravenous urography is contraindicated in all except a. Pregnancy b.Renal insufficiency c.Renal trauma d.Hypersensitivity to contrast 11.Best investigation in acute cholecystitis is a. Technetium scan b.USG c.Plain x ray abd d.CT 12.Left atrial hypertrophy is seen radiologically as a. Double cardiac shadow b.Left bronchial elevation c.Straightnening of left border d.All of the above 13.Left to right shunt is usually demonstrated in chest x ray by a. Increase in pulmonary venous markings b. Increase in size of pulmonary arteries
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