m-ICTE 2009 Recent Research Developments in Learning Technologies (2005) Effectiveness of cooperative learning:WebQuest as a tool to produce scientific videos S.Lara",and Ch.Reparaz' School of Hu This research oaacsheccctve scientifevndeoonthegcg of e coa,for rto do d fo 145 n.es specifically designed to collect data about this context of Cooperative Learning. 90123 Weu Cooprive emingigl Vi Inquryen Seoy levef 1.Introduction 436789012345 manage large quantities of information that students easily have at their disposal in this information soc ing using information from the intemet [23] his com ahe resultso the help ofa WebQuest We present,in the first plac ology and the 6378390044121644 drawn from our study. 2.Review of literature 2.1 Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning 464445 systematizes.through a series of didactical res orts the need for members of a groun to work togethe cooperating with each other in an assignment [4].A real cooperative situation foments,in the members FORMATEX 2005Recent Research Developments in Learning Technologies (2005) 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 © FORMATEX 2005 Effectiveness of cooperative learning: WebQuest as a tool to produce scientific videos S. Lara*,1, and Ch. Repáraz,1 1 School of Humanities and Social Sciences. Department of Education University of Navarra 31080 Pamplona SPAIN This research analyzes the effectiveness of cooperative learning fostered by working with WebQuest. We present the job done with a group of students in fourth of Secondary grade. These students had to produce a scientific video on the geography of Guipúzcoa, for the course of Geography. In order to do so, and fol￾lowing strategies to carry scientific work designed by the instructor in a WebQuest, they carried out re￾search work and then prepared the video. (http://www.erain.es/vde/produccion3.asp). Dodge and March argue that through teaching with WebQuest, cooperative strategies can be used with students, and simul￾taneously, they focus more on the elaboration of information than in unsuccessful search of information on the internet. On the other hand, studies on Cooperative Learning argue that it positively influences both student performance and social interantions. In this paper, we analyze the effectiveness of this methodol￾ogy to foster cooperative learning strategies. Data collection was carried out through a survey which was specifically designed to collect data about this context of Cooperative Learning. Keywords WebQuest; Cooperative Learning; Digital Video; Inquiry learning; Secondary level of educa￾tion. 1. Introduction At present we are faced with the challenge of fomenting in our students skills and competences related, among other things, with the capacity of information analysis, synthesis and evaluation: the capacity to manage large quantities of information that students easily have at their disposal in this information soci￾ety; the capacity to use information and communication technologies; a critical capacity; and the capacity to work cooperatively. The use of a WebQuest is seen as an alternative to foment active and cooperative learning, using information from the internet [1,2,3]. This communication presents the results obtained in an investigation carried out with a group of sec￾ondary school students who had to produce a digital video on the geography of Guipúzcoa, counting with the help of a WebQuest. We present, in the first place, some of the conclusions obtained in recent inves￾tigations on the efficacy of cooperative learning and the WebQuest. Secondly, the methodology and the results of our investigation are described. And lastly, we summarize some of the principal conclusions drawn from our study. 2. Review of literature 2.1 Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning It is well known that Cooperative Learning (CL) consists of the didactic use of reduced groups, in which students work together to maximize their own learning and that of others. This is a methodology which systematizes, through a series of didactical resorts, the need for members of a group to work together, cooperating with each other in an assignment [4]. A real cooperative situation foments, in the members * Corresponding author: e-mail: slara@unav.es, Phone: +34 948 425 600 ext. 2769
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