VISUAL ATTENTION 217 218 DESIMONE DUNCAN the same receptive field.These mechanisms may work in a similar fashion Colby CL1991 Neurol for both obiect and spatial selection.In some cases.these inputs are directly 6597 revealed through elevation of the maintained activity of cells coding the location or feature of the expected item.The critical difference between AD.1986 Working Memory.Oxford i spatial and feature selection may be the source and nature of the selection .T emplate 4.Because many spatially mapped structures contibute to competition,uni lateral lesions will often cause neglect and extinction omes that do A ons 1 5. ations and objects are prob ablyrivedfrom neural circuits mediatine workine memory.perhaps Begl especially in prerrontal cortex. 6.Objects act as wholes in neural competition.The construction of object 180 representations from the conjunction of many different features appears,in many cases,to occur in parallel across the visual field before individual Ben F.Koch C obiects are selected and.hence.prior to any attentional binding 8ia55:95362 7.Though the matter remains controversial,according to our analysis attention is not a high-speed mental spotlight that scans each item in the visual field. Rather,attention is an emergent property of slow,competitive interactions M.1976.The co that work in parallel across the visual field. Tm34餐 1984.5im ACKNOWLEDGMENTS De WearetoL Chelazzi,C Colby.PDeWeerd,EK Miller,M Mishki to R Hoag and LG Ung the manuscript ual dis for help with 8621 The wo n part by the 日 dD.Desin e R Ung der LG 1994M Organization. Any A 90A5gofieulateniom Bus 5783 a10 Literature Cited Desimone R.Ungerleider LG1989 echa Ha I Miezin F.McGui Allpon DA.1993. hine:Com ork:E eld: 54115 sms for】 MIT Pres 36534547 e cD1963A01R0 80-90 VISUAL ATTENTION 217 the same receptive field. These mechanisms may work in a similar fashion for both object and spatial selection. In some cases, these inputs are directly revealed through elevation of the maintained activity of cells coding the location or feature of the expected item. The critical difference between spatial and feature selection may be the source and nature of the selection template. 4. Because many spatially mapped structures contribute to competition, uni￾lateral lesions will often cause neglect and extinction syndromes that do not necessarily imply a specific role in attentional control. 5. The top-down selection templates for both locations and objects are prob￾ably derived from neural circuits mediating working memory, perhaps especially in prefrontal cortex. 6. Objects act as wholes in neural competition. The construction of object representations from the conjunction of many different features appears, in many cases, to occur in parallel across the visual field before individual objects are selected and, hence, prior to any attentional binding. 7. Though the matter remains controversial, according to our analysis attention is not a high-speed mental spotlight that scans each item in the visual field. Rather, attention is an emergent property of slow, competitive interactions that work in parallel across the visual field. 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