Single Fault Diagnosis w Conflicts: Test Candidates Collecting Conflicts Single Fault Test Candidates(C,M, Obs) l Candidates C Mode/M. observation obs Solutions←, Conflicts←- For each c in C If c is a superset of some conflict in Conflicts Then inconsistent candidate ignore Else Conflict= Test Candidate(c, M, Obs) If Conflict ="consistent Then add c to solutions Else add Conflict to conflicts return Solutions 10/03/03 copyright Brian Williams, 2003 1810/03/03 copyright Brian Williams, 2003 18 Single Fault Diagnosis w Conflicts: Test Candidates Collecting Conflicts Single_Fault_Test_Candidates(C,M, Obs) \\ Candidates C, Model M, Observation Obs Solutions m {}, Conflicts m {} For each c in C If c is a superset of some conflict in Conflicts Then inconsistent candidate, ignore. Else Conflict = Test_Candidate(c, M, Obs) If Conflict = “consistent” Then add c to Solutions Else add Conflict to Conflicts return Solutions
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