溢 制卧爱分贸多本芳 英汉商务翻译 第十一章 思考题: 1、在翻译过程中,替代法的运用原则和范围是什么? 2、试评价习语翻译三种常用方法的优点和不足之处。 3、在英汉翻译中,如何妥当地运用汉语习语(包括成语)? 句子缘习: 1. U-shaped magnet 2.V-neck 3. The number of the tigers in the world is dwindling rapidly and the animal may one day become extinct. 4.Not the least intimidated,the bee came back and buzzed me again.Now losing patience,I swathed the pest to the ground and crunched it into the sand with my foot. 5.Among the blind the one-eyed man is king. 6.The burnt child dreads the fire. 7.There is no smoke without fire. 8. You need to have a war to make a general. 9.It's nothing than take honest men's bread out of their mouth. 10.This divergence adds fuel to the criticisms of producers and customers alike that commodity markets are excessively volatile and distort the true pattern of supply and demand to the disadvantage of buyers and sellers alike. 11.MobiNil's market cap ballooned to surpass US$5 billion and became the first Egyptian stock to achieve medium cap status by the international standards.As a result,the stock hit more radar screens of foreign fund managers and was rewarded with greater amounts of foreign fund investment. 12.The guest was pleased by the distinction but not overwhelmed. 13.Bank money traders were invariably young men in their thirties--bright and ambitious,quick-minded,unflustered under pressure. 14.The goods are urgently required,so we will appreciate your expediting the shipment. 15.Anything I said would in all likelihood contradict their version. 16.Those years were so bad that the economic commission on Latin America and the Caribbean,a United Nations entity,wrote off the entire 10 years of the 1980s as the "lost decade".Now the Latins are on the other end of seesaw,tilting toward the sky. 17.Reagan has succeeded more than any president since John F.Kennedy in projecting a broad vision of America--a nation of renewed military strength,individual initiative,and smaller federal government 18. Studies serve for delight,for ornament,and for ability.Their chief use for delight is in privateness and retiring;for ornament,is in discourse;and for ability,is in the judgment and disposition of business. 段荟练习一 第1页共3页英汉商务翻译 第十一章 思考题: 1、在翻译过程中,替代法的运用原则和范围是什么? 2、试评价习语翻译三种常用方法的优点和不足之处。 3、在英汉翻译中,如何妥当地运用汉语习语(包括成语)? 句子练习: 1. U-shaped magnet 2. V-neck 3. The number of the tigers in the world is dwindling rapidly and the animal may one day become extinct. 4. Not the least intimidated, the bee came back and buzzed me again. Now losing patience, I swathed the pest to the ground and crunched it into the sand with my foot. 5. Among the blind the one-eyed man is king. 6. The burnt child dreads the fire. 7. There is no smoke without fire. 8. You need to have a war to make a general. 9. It's nothing than take honest men's bread out of their mouth. 10. This divergence adds fuel to the criticisms of producers and customers alike that commodity markets are excessively volatile and distort the true pattern of supply and demand to the disadvantage of buyers and sellers alike. 11. MobiNil’s market cap ballooned to surpass US$5 billion and became the first Egyptian stock to achieve medium cap status by the international standards. As a result, the stock hit more radar screens of foreign fund managers and was rewarded with greater amounts of foreign fund investment. 12. The guest was pleased by the distinction but not overwhelmed. 13. Bank money traders were invariably young men in their thirties -- bright and ambitious, quick-minded, unflustered under pressure. 14. The goods are urgently required, so we will appreciate your expediting the shipment. 15. Anything I said would in all likelihood contradict their version. 16. Those years were so bad that the economic commission on Latin America and the Caribbean, a United Nations entity, wrote off the entire 10 years of the 1980s as the “lost decade”. Now the Latins are on the other end of seesaw, tilting toward the sky. 17. Reagan has succeeded more than any president since John F. Kennedy in projecting a broad vision of America -- a nation of renewed military strength, individual initiative, and smaller federal government 18. Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. Their chief use for delight is in privateness and retiring; for ornament, is in discourse; and for ability, is in the judgment and disposition of business. 段落练习一 第 1 页 共 3 页
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