研究进展 目标检测 人脸识别[1) 眼球追踪[2] 三维重建[3] [1]Farrukh,H.,Aburas,R.M.,Cao,S.,Wang,H."FaceRevelio:a face liveness detection system for smartphones with a single front camera".ACM MobiCom,2020. [2]Song,C.,Wang,A.,Ren,K.,Xu,W."Eyeveri:A secure and usable approach for smartphone user authentication".IEEE, INFOCOM.2016. [3]https://github.com/raulmur/ORB SLAM2.¬n ux~ ª. [1] [1] Farrukh, H., Aburas, R. M., Cao, S., Wang, H. “FaceRevelio: a face liveness detection system for smartphones with a single front camera”. ACM MobiCom, 2020. [2] Song, C., Wang, A., Ren, K., Xu, W. “Eyeveri: A secure and usable approach for smartphone user authentication”. IEEE, INFOCOM. 2016. [3] https://github.com/raulmur/ORB_SLAM2.
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