http:/ Handwritten digit recognition aided by meta-features Table 2: List of features used( for 3 inputs base len(ur) Orientations(ug) Pos(ua,uy 246 0°,45 315°20×20area 0°,225°,37.5°20×20area 0°,22.5°,.337.5°20×20area 3 inputs: 40X 20X 20=16000(40 stands for u, and u o and 20X 20 for the center position. 2 inputs: 8000(same feature for a rotation of 1800) Total 24000 featuresCompany name Handwritten digit recognition aided by meta-features 3 inputs: 40×20×20=16000 (40 stands for ur and uφ and 20×20 for the center position. ) 2 inputs: 8000 (same feature for a rotation of 180○) Total 24000 features