The Frequency Response Note: Magnitude and phase functions are real functions of @, whereas the frequency response is a complex function of o If the impulse response hn is real then it follows from Table 3. 4 that the magnitude function is an even function of o H(e(°)=H(e and the phase function is an odd function of 6(0)=-((-0) 16 Copyright C 2001, S K MitraCopyright © 2001, S. K. Mitra 16 The Frequency Response • Note: Magnitude and phase functions are real functions of , whereas the frequency response is a complex function of  • If the impulse response h[n] is real then it follows from Table 3.4 that the magnitude function is an even function of : and the phase function is an odd function of : ( ) ( )  −  = j j H e H e () = −(−)
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